Gaela said:
Sometimes you win, sometimes you loose. It's a fact that horde lost a good FC with phonebook, but yesterday evening games I played were nearly equal.
Ofc and there were indeed some decent matches last night, but our situation was as I described above in the matches I played in - It was basically me and Trespasser for our offence and there's no chance 2 rogues can return a flag with a 3 paladin/hunter defence while our shocking defence got hammered and the same idiots doing god-knows-what in midfield.
I'm all up for tough matches but for the most part Horde get severely outclassed. Am not saying this happens EACH AND EVERY match, but it's been immensely more noticable over the last month or so.
Most people will just play and not properly take in what's going on, if the shit hits the fan and their team gets steamrolled or they lose a flag they automatically blame the other side. For the few of us who are actually watching all aspects of the match whether it be numbers on def/off on each team, midfielders, class matchups, player activity etc it's pretty easy to spot where the problems are.
I have been playing some matches on Alliance side purely to see how things roll over there and the only comfort is that you guys have the same "getting people to actually friggin' attack" problem that we have on Hordeside, and alot of time is spent ranting in /bg rather than doing anything constructive.
And don't even get me started on leavers, on both Alli and Horde even when we finally do get a great match that's pretty even you get the same clowns leaving if they arn't totally facerolling the opposition which unbalances the teams and usually causes a chain reaction of other leavers resulting in a game over.
All that said, some of the not-so-dim players are gathering FC sets so I'm hoping over the next month or so Horde will gain a few extra FC options other than the same handful of people who we are relying on atm. You'd think people having extra sets would be second nature by now but pretty much every match the first 5 mins are people ranting at each other about who's FCing and the amount of times you hear "don't have FC set" is amazing tbh. If more people invested in this then it would help greatly :/