19 Priest Guide: 3.3.5.

ArthurianKnight said:
i read this twink guide and its quite good. covers much of everything that needs to be done.

but i've looked into your builds as of now and i am quite amaze that you didn't think of the Devout Aurastone Hammer and the Furbolg Medicine pouch for your FC build. to me they are quite a must !

maximum spell power goes like this...

Devout Aurastone Hammer + Eerie Stable Lantern

maximum life (FC)

Devout Aurastone Hammer + Furbolg Medicine Pouch - Item - World of Warcraft

of course the whole staff tricks still works, its just that having 1 staff is simply a waste for priest, they always were better with a main hand and a held in offhand. the staff tricks is more for druids then priest due to that. at least that's what i think !

(quote edited for size)

I was wondering the same thing.

It looks (at least on the wowhead profiler) that the Devout Aurastone Hammer and the Lantern or Furbolg Pouch would be better than the staff alone (though the staff does look really nice).
nice guide :) to bad i have to much xp so i cant get [Inferno Robe] :p oh well atleast im happy for next patch and new Heirloom robe :p
Shenik said:
nice guide :) to bad i have to much xp so i cant get [Inferno Robe] :p oh well atleast i happy for next patch Heirloom robe :p

You'll be able to get Inferno Robe next Patch anyways, with disabling XP.
I think if I roll a priest, I'm going to get 3 dignified headmaster's charge with the three different enchants, lol.
iaccidentallytwink said:
Am I the only one that sees no use for Stoneform in the 19 bracket? For priests especially.

before the human racial trinket was added dwarfs were the best pick for priests. desperate prayer and stone form are so OP for arenas. you pretty much get to bandage anytime you want other than when there's a warlock facing you

so no, you're wrong
kidneypopper said:
before the human racial trinket was added dwarfs were the best pick for priests. desperate prayer and stone form are so OP for arenas. you pretty much get to bandage anytime you want other than when there's a warlock facing you

so no, you're wrong

Thank you. Someone finally understands. And when your at a higher level bracket, you can destroy rogues with this racial, and its pretty much a free bandage : /
ArtisticAnarchist said:
According to wowhead, the quest to acquire the Inferno Robes requires you to be level 20.

WANTED: Baron Vardus - Quest - World of Warcraft

If there is some way around it please let me know, otherwise you might want to update your gear portion of the guide.

WoWHead is wrong. It's available at lvl 17.

Did you see something that's out of date? Because this should be updated to Patch 3.2.
Thanks for the feedback, typically wowhead is accurate in their data, but I just wanted to confirm it :)

Currently working on a priest and it's exciting.
TBJ comes from BRD, so just run that alot and loot everything. Drop rate is still very low but not as terrible as other blues ive tried to farm.

Kellers is a world drop. when i rolled on mediva i actually got one to drop while i was farming spiders in stonetalon for silk (boots and cloak mats) Its unlikely that it'll happen to you but if you need silk go try those spiders and maybe you'll get lucky.

If not just watch the AH.
Grunge said:
TBJ comes from BRD, so just run that alot and loot everything. Drop rate is still very low but not as terrible as other blues ive tried to farm.

Kellers is a world drop. when i rolled on mediva i actually got one to drop while i was farming spiders in stonetalon for silk (boots and cloak mats) Its unlikely that it'll happen to you but if you need silk go try those spiders and maybe you'll get lucky.

If not just watch the AH.

Do you mean BFD? I cant see why a level 19 chest piece would drop in a level 55 dungeon lol

I don't really mind the AH, I have plenty of gold and as long as it's under 100g it's not really a concern for me.
ArtisticAnarchist said:
Do you mean BFD? I cant see why a level 19 chest piece would drop in a level 55 dungeon lol

I don't really mind the AH, I have plenty of gold and as long as it's under 100g it's not really a concern for me.

sorry, i did mean BFD. The belt isnt super important to be honest, a bright belt will net you nearly the same stats untill you can find a kellers.
Rip said:
I've added it to the list, but personally I'd go with Inferno Robe in almost all circumstances. But I'm picking it up anyway.

I did the math, Tree Bark jacket will get you just a little bit more healz than Inferno robe, so in wsg, Id put on Treebark for like the first few healz you do, then switch to inferno. In arena, Id almost say stay with treebark just for the extra stam (so long as you have +4 stats enchant) but in some cases Id say go inferno, for example, If it's a priest 1v1, go inferno, the extra sp will really increase your wand output, along with an sp staff equipped.

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