19 priest FC off-set.


Lucky fishing hat

thick bronze necklace

boa shoulders

tumultuous of stamina

shimmering of stamina

shimmering of stamina

enumerated of stamina

Can't think of high hp pants.

pagan boots of stamina

seal of sylvanas

Blood ring

Any ideas?
Are you Horde or Alliance, may I ask?
Could be nice if there was link on the items.. Can't remember them all :-b But as my brain can think and remember, I think the gearing you already got is pretty cool. I'm pretty sure you can get some upgrades, but I'm not prof. :b
[item]Pious Legwraps[/item]
Responding without reading entire threads does that to you.
Sanitarium said:
Responding without reading entire threads does that to you.

Just ignore his posts, lol.

Wuvage, if I am going to make a perfect twink- I'm going to have all sets etc.

Thankyou very much for promotion, I won't let you down ;D

Yes, I am Horde.
Crilicilyn said:
you can always Faction :D

True, but then I'd have to faction back- and that's money. Thankyou though.

Have I got all the BiS FC gear already listed there?

Wand would be the Banshee Rod, Dawnblade and Furbolg Medicine Pouch for weapons, and AGM's for trinkets, right?
gogo imp inner fire/glyph of inner fire!

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