19 Mistweavers


Hi, I'm looking to make a mistweaving monk. Who is the best, or who are good mistweavers to look at to get an idea for gear?
Hi, I'm looking to make a mistweaving monk. Who is the best, or who are good mistweavers to look at to get an idea for gear?

The 19 armory list might be what you're looking for.

Here's a basic set of options:

Head: [Preened Tribal War Feathers]
Neck: [Eternal Amulet of the Redeemed]
Shoulders: [Lasting Feralheart Spaulders]
Back: [Ancient Bloodmoon Cloak]
Chest: [Preened Ironfeather Breastplate]
Bracers: [Mindthrust Bracers], [Cuffs of Black Elements], [Hovel Digger’s Bands] (A), [Uninsured Bracers] (H), [Acquisition Bracers] (H)
Gloves: [Magefist Gloves], [Woodworking Gloves], [Serpentis’ Gloves]
Belt: [Vigorous Belt of the Vision]
Legs: [Preened Wildfeather Leggings]
Boots: [Sandals of Sacrifice], [Spidersilk Boots], [Merger Boots] (H), [Conspirator’s Slippers] (H)
Rings: [Seal of Argas] (x2 T), [Ring of Pardons] (H), [Stillwater’s Signet] (H), [PVP Ring], [Lavishly Jeweled Ring]
Trinkets: [Inherited Insignia], [AGM], [Defending/Returning Champion], [Swift Hand of Justice], [Inherited Mark of Tyranny]
Weapon: [The Blessed Hammer of Grace] + [Musty Tome of the Lost]

Neck: Gift of Haste
Shoulders: Greater Crane Wing Inscription, Greater Inscription of the Gladiator
Back: Gift of Haste
Chest: Peerless Stats
Bracers: Major Stamina, Greater Haste
Gloves: Glove Reinforcements, Superior Haste
Legs: Sapphire Spellthread, Greater Pearlescent Spellthread
Boots: Minor Speed
Rings: Gift of Haste
Weapon: Heartsong + Major Intellect

TALENT: Tiger’s Lust
This is my 19 MW, note that not many ppl would agree with this but this is what works for me. :)
I'm going to agree with Neap saying there is no definitive BiS. I am liking higher stamina lately, I feel like we can get rolled kind of easy using channeled heals. But I have a lot of pieces for different situations. I'll post my armory when I get home, but it's in my sig.
I have versatility on one of my rings of each of my healers as well. I have been stating this for months and months!
Haste is on a bell curve people!!! It is not linear....

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