19 mage.


Makng a 19 mage, looking for BiS non grandbfathered gear, i have full boas, and agms are no prob.. thanks..

Some might know me as scrumped, or fistpumping the mage from elune
Cámo @ Bleeding Hollow - Game - World of Warcraft - The set I usually wear

Use the firebane cloak with +5 resistances and Keeshan's Bandana in certain situations such as destro locks and hunters.

If you don't have jutebraid then use goldfleck/serpent gloves.

If you don't have seal of slyvanas use ellos band and seal of argas, if you don't have ellos band than use a blood ring or another seal of argas if you have it.

If you don't have the Sacred Burial Trousers or Piuos Leggings than use Godfrey's Britches.
account is expired and im naked of boas but u can go with my signature just add in boa helm shoulders and chest or if u want stam go with camos link above
You can check my armory link if you'd like. It's in my signature. That is the set I roll in most of the time.
heres my mage

yeah, thats mine, no grandfathered gear, except seal of wrynn, which isn't too hard to replace.. (BiS = Xfer to horde and pick up 2'nd argas)..

EDIT: playing around with enchants abit, and this toon is arcane, which means i has less stam stacking than a frost mage might want to.. i sometimes swap for minor speed @ boots, 30 sp on wep (not advisable for long fights/frost mages.) and various other enchants..
Karmaz said:
The fact that you are still not hit capped makes me vomit.

Follow Camo's set if you wish to play CC, we have worked extensively to perfect it .

*I'm better then you because i spend more time thinking about my gearz to crutch on*
Karmaz said:
The fact that you are still not hit capped makes me vomit.

Follow Camo's set if you wish to play CC, we have worked extensively to perfect it .

Perfect by what definition?

augiddin said:
*I'm better then you because i spend more time thinking about my gearz to crutch on*


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