19 Mage Questions!

Sizzlinn said:
Yes I am going to use Hit Elixirs! Very good idea. But I'll get a ring for arenas :) Also, I was going Engineering. For bombs and goggles.

Question for you Ertai, are bombs usually accepted in Ruin Premades?

I've never done a premade where someone even suggested Bombs not being allowed. If someone uses one of their professions on Engi they'll always be allowed to use that stuff.
Ertai said:
I've never done a premade where someone even suggested Bombs not being allowed. If someone uses one of their professions on Engi they'll always be allowed to use that stuff.

I guess so, thanks a lot for all the info ! :)
mmm, i miss the days when mages were a top pick for flag running =( i'd be quite impressed if you guys learned all the oldskool slowfall jumps too! and yeah go w/ wtvr grab says about CC mages, i've spent quite the bit of time on the other end of his lol.
I haven't been playing frost mages for very long but I have an 80 mage so I was able to pick up on some key things very quickly. Here is my list of the basic mage facts for people wanting to pick up a frost mage at 19. Most of this is common knowledge but may not be understood by some mages out there

Talent Tree:

The most important things about mage talents is having at least 1-3 points in Frostbite, at least 4-5 points in improved frost bolt and 3 points in permafrost.

Frostbite rationale:

This is a game changing ability that procs off of all chill effects (ie frostbolt, frost armor)

this can help survivability against rogues that pop out of the shadows only to get frozen in place. Putting three points in this improves the chances of the freeze but even 1 or 2 points can proc that game changing freeze.

Improved frostbolt rationale:

4-5 points should put your cast time right around 1 second, I am currently 4/5 in this and my cast time is 1.02 seconds a 5/5 would put me at .92 seconds. This is important for chasing an enemy and getting the cast off when you have to stop but also for spamming for frostbite procs.

Permfrost rationale:

3/3 absolutley is a must and will decrease the enemies movement speed to a grinding halt. It is also not a bad healing debuff to put on the efc and still gets applied to Hand of Freedom targets. I thought I heard that if you apply the permafrost debuff before sheeping a target the sheep will heal slower? (has yet to be confirmed)

Major Glyph

In my mind there is only one glyph [item]Glyph of Polymorph[/item] this is important to ensure that your sheep doesn't break from some residual damage over time effect that may be applied. This is the only glyph I would go with

minor glyph

[item]Glyph of Slow Fall[/item] in my mind only way to go. Just overall fun in WSG to mess around with but be careful who you put this on. I put it on painaid (or maybe Pizza) once and they got pissed because it messes up their jumps. Another time I slow falled a druid from the roof of the alliance base and he was able to fly over the enemies in the FR and cap without being effected by hunter pets or other misc snares haunting the FR floor. Bottom line if you put slow fall on people it makes you look pro, not to mention decreases the already small repair costs of jumping down from the GY.

Sheep order:

1.Priests (they can dispel sheeps duh)

2.Healers: Shamman and Pallies, I rarely sheep druids unless i'm looking for a heal interupt

shammans are fun to sheep/snare. Pallies frostbolt or nova to get them to use HOF then sheep to burn it.

No particular order:

3. Hunters-high damage class needs to be shut down

Hunter pets (can really piss off good hunters who use their pets well)

4. Locks- again high damage class that can also

5. other mages (kinda funny and futile but works well)

6. My personal favorite classes to CC are rogues and warriors because they can usually be kited for hours on end.

Bottom line you need to multi task well and CC many people but don't be afraid to focus and lock down a key threat for a while either. As a mage you might die alot but if you do that's because you are doing your job and pissing people off! Keep in mind that you can resheep for the full duration after about 10 seconds of not sheeping so...sheep 3 times try to snare with nova and frost bolt use lifeblood resheep for full duration 3 times. repeat using bandage to heal up. This could potentially shut someone down for 1min depending how how well you can survive. You will be taking yourself out of the frey but at least the other team doesn't have their best offensive player for a while. I usually mix it up and keep moving though.
My fire mage

Armory [char=Lothar]Pyroftw[/char]

i could have more fire sp aka 7fire back, another 7sp trinket and 6fire spell power bracers. but it's not very viable with 750hp >.>. as far as i know 179fire spell power is the max right now for me.
Pyroftw said:
Armory [char=Lothar]Pyroftw[/char]

i could have more fire sp aka 7fire back, another 7sp trinket and 6fire spell power bracers. but it's not very viable with 750hp >.>. as far as i know 179fire spell power is the max right now for me.

did you count seer's with wizard oil?
Kore nametooshort said:
The highest sp weapon set a mage can get is actually not BoA, its Staff of the Blessed Seer with minor wizard oil.

unless im missing something, 15 > 13
Sizzlinn said:
Hey there Twinkinfo. I have a few questions regarding 19 Mages. Just for a little backround, I am going CC Mage (unless I indicate otherwise) and I don't have access to BoAs.

Question 1:

I know the normal spec for a Frost Mage is 4/5 Imp Frostbolt 3/3 Frostbite 3/3 Permafrost


Would it be a viable option to either drop Frostbite or Permafrost for Precision for free hit and mana.

Question 2:

Could anyone make a chardev of the highest +Fire SP setup possible?


Just made my fire mage...

The highest possible, is 192 (Including 10 from Bloodthistle, 10 from weapon oil, and 8 from fire power elixir).

Take a look at my thread "Arcane, Fire, or Frost?"- lengthy discussion on the topic of gear and spec.

Quelfepp said:

This is Quelfep here to tell everyone that I am infact, a homosexual and i love anal sex. My obsession with anal sex has been deep inside of me for many years but after going to band camp and having anal sex with everyone in my cabin I have realized i just need to have as much anal sex as possible to feed my need for anal sex.

After finishing a few battlegrounds on my twink a few weeks ago, I inserted my finger into my anal cavity and proceeded to massage the hemorrhoids under my skin. I began getting aroused and my need for anal sex kicked in. I ran outside and found there nearest construction site and had anal sex with all of the construction workers. After having anal sex with them for three hours straight i went home to relax after having alot of good anal sex. A few days ago i woke up and my anal was in severe pain and i was bleeding excessively and my legs were covered with blood. I can no longer have anal sex

Since i have lost my anal sex, i will no longer be posting on this website or playing world of warcraft.






http://twinkinfo.com/forums/10-19-bracket/9112-arcane-fire-frost.html is the link.

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