19 Hunter Pets - Advice?

didn't blizz make all the pets DPS the same now? thought that was done a few patches ago?

only thing that decides pet choice now overall in the family type (cunning, tenacity, etc) and special abilities
My ravager has Solo'd Casters in BG's. I'm sure they weren't 'finished' twinks, but they were twinks.
Atleast on my 19 Hunter I'm going to pick up.

Spider - WSG Pugs

Bat - Arenas, Ranged Stun>Melee Stun now with Shamans and Druids moving at 140% Speed.

Hyena - Premades

Snake - Whenever I need a 50% Casting Speed Reduction.
They both require the same amount of Focus, what you're referring to is a bug that was fixed this patch.
I run WSG with a spider. I like it alot and it helps when there is a lone twink coming after the flag. But I would recommend a Spider or a Hyena for WSG. Either one is good IMO
Thew123 said:
Hi guys,

What is your favorite 19 pet and why?

I am currently running with a Spider for the CC, I have also tried a Serpent and a Carrion Bird. So far I find the Spider the best 19 pet I have had.

I just WSG, I don't arena.

I am also interested in trying both a Hyena for CC and a wolf for DPS.

Your thoughts?

you could try the douchedog (hyena, btw name it that :p)

everytime i see a hunter with that it pisses me off because thats like ... eh nvm you don't want to hear how op it is.. just retarded... i hate it.
for arenas i usually run with a bear because when hes on aggressive the enemy cant kill him when he follows them cus he has lots of armor
yup, if you want to know whats best go to this website, all about the pets of a hunter.

Petopia: A complete guide to hunter pets in the World of Warcraft.

yeah you're right, they changed it and the only thing that does matters is the animal type.

for my part i chose to stay with the good old cat, takes damage like a pussy but dish out lots of damage to their abilities. the animal choice depends only on their initial abilities and at 19 they don't have any talent so its of no use considering which pet type you choose. the ability alone determines what you'd want. i like scorpions, for their ability to poison like mad someone, unable them to bandage, stealth or whatever, and if shamans try to un poison themselves, they can only remove 1 stack out of the whole 5.

my cat is basically damage only. seriously, it is all a matter of choice at this point, but you can now have 4 pets so in the end you can tam all 4 and test them out.

go to the site and look for what you need. !
Twink 19 dorf hunter on Terenas/Eu.

First started with a spider as every other hunter did. Then changed to Hayena, which isn't bad but the best one if you go for healers/casters first is the snake from WC/Barrens due to its talent decreasing casting time, its a REAL nightmare for healers/casters trust me on that:) And as a hunter you should always go for healers in field first thing so will your pet making it a nightmare for them to heal :)


My personal favorite pet would have to be a Ravager. That 2 second stun works great in WSG's and arenas and it has one of the highest DPS outputs of any pet in the game.

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