[19 Hunter] Ekspozed

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2014, 2015, & 2018 TC Champ

Copy Pìzza into Armory if link does not work.

Gear I have outside of armory:

- Scouting Gloves (Monkey/Eagle/Falcon 4/4) *+15 AGI*

- Scouting Pants (Monkey/Eagle/Falcon/Power 5/5) *+16 Armor*

- Shadow Goggles and Green Tinted

- Thick Bronze Necklace

- Sentry Cloak *+3 AGI and +10 Shadow Resist*

- Spidersilk Drape *+10 Shadow Resist*

- Blackened Defias Chest *+4 Stats*

- Wranglers (Monkey/Eagle/Falcon 3/3) *+9 Stamina on all but Falcon*

- Twisted Chanters *+22 INT and +25 AGI*

- Staff of Friar *20 Spirit*

- Venomstrike *+2 Scope*

- SFK Belt

- Footpads of Fang (+7 stamina and Minor Speed)

- Feet of the Linx *Minor Speed and +7 AGI*

- 3/3 Ring (Falcon/Eagle)

- Seal from SFK

- Ring from Bloodelf starting area with Crit and Int.


Because you don't have Grandfathered +2 Scope to BoA Bow or Grandfathered 24 (or 40) Armor to Legs.


Come back to WoW already.
Hey dude without you on Cyclone, the alliance have been raping, and I havn't had any challenge :(

Come back Pizza :D

The friendly dwarf

Twinkytoes said:
Hey dude without you on Cyclone, the alliance have been raping, and I havn't had any challenge :(

Come back Pizza :D

The friendly dwarf


You are one slick dwarf ;). Maybe we will re-open someday. Until then <Pizza Hut> is closed.
Imo with treebark jacket and all the falcon gear i would go 3/3 careful aim
Locked said:

Obviously...you didn't look at his spec that is being used right now. I don't think he cared much for pugging. That is a complete Defense Hunter spec that he is using. And may I add if used effectively is AMAZING!
I mean, of course he pugged a few, but he has been here for a long time. I have never seen him in a Warsong without atleast one of his guildies. I'm not bashing on him, I'm just saying that it looks like he's not a huge fan with solo pugging.
Twinkytoes said:
I mean, of course he pugged a few, but he has been here for a long time. I have never seen him in a Warsong without atleast one of his guildies. I'm not bashing on him, I'm just saying that it looks like he's not a huge fan with solo pugging.

I recently went to this spec when I stopped pugging. I only log on the toon to do premades. If I rarely pug it's with guildies.
Updated gear to present.
Rip said:
Thilly Goose

When you transfer your Armory link changes!


Fixed. :rolleyes:
Hmmmm i been trying to see him but I cant find the character, keeps on telling me that this character does not exsist
Tunkie said:
Hmmmm i been trying to see him but I cant find the character, keeps on telling me that this character does not exsist

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