19 hunter/ 19 resto druid help

Let's say that libram's and leg armors are going to be fine in this thread..

I want to make a new 19 twink, either a hunter (lol, i've never had one before) or a Resto/Fc druid.

Here's the set up I have for the hunter..

Lucky Fishing Hat (+8 agi)

WSG neck

Serpent Shoulders (No 80 ftl)

Sentry Cloak 9+3 agi)

Tunic of Westfall (+4 all stats)

Forest Leather Bracers either (+7int/+9 sta)

4/4 falcon gloves or 4/4 monkey (+15 agi) (Are the fang glvoes any better?)

devaite scale belt

5/5 falcon of monkey pants (+nethercobra)

Fishing Boots (+surefooted)

Seal of Wryn (sp?)

WSG ring


AGM (x2 only if the sta changes are true)

or AGM and Insignia

Twisted chanter's staff +22 int

I have a 5/5 ftiger 2h axe level 19 already with a +25 agility

WC bow +3 scope

For the druid-

Green Tinted Goggles (or Shadow goggles) [+150mana]

Voice Amp.


WSG cloak or engineers cloak [+10 shadow resist]

Robe of the Moccasin +4 all stats

Crystallized Cuffs (sp?) (?) +16 spell power

4/4 eagle gloves +16 spell power

SFK belt

5/5 pants eagle +nethercleft (Darkweave +golden spell)

Fishing boots + vitality

Seal of Wryn (sp?)

WSG ring



Twisted Chanters Staff +30 spell dmg

Face smasher +22 int/ OF fur bolg

satff of fiar (sp?) +20 spirit

Any ideas if these 2 set ups will work?
For the hunters cloak I personally like to have +12 dodge as it adds almost 5% @19. For the Fang Gloves question, they are better if you have the Embrace of the Viper two or three piece set as it add +7 nature spell dmg and expertise by 4. I like the movement speed +sta or +agility swiftness enchants for better mobility and catching ppl just out of reach.
i agree...12 dodge might be a better choice, kinda a personal preference thing tho...especially since 12 dodge is a bitch to get...also get mindthrust bracers with 7 int....4/4 falcons are the best gloves....double agm isnt very good...u should always have trinket on, only viable way to use double agm is to throw a second agm on while trinket is on CD

as for the druid: spirit is getting nerfed, go fishing hat....8 int > 150 mana (u lose 30 mana but u gain crit and regen)...imo voice amp is terribad especially for druid, but neck is unimportant so its ur call...def go with darkweave if ur healing (keep the stam set 100% separate)....vitality is bad for boots, 4 mp5 isnt that much, boar's speed will help u alot more, i have two pairs on my priest (1 w/ vitality, 1 w/ boars) that i use situationally.....


Twisted Chanter's 22 int....ull lose all the furbolg pouch stamina when u change to 30 spell pwr anyway, so theres no point, and face smasher sucks cock neway...if ur set on a 1 hander, go evocators blade....twisted chanters has the most int tho, aka its the best int wep

Staff of the blessed sear 30 spell power: dont know why u wouldnt get this, most spell power = best spell power wep...30 spell power on TCS=noob

staff of the friar 20 spirit is correct....i would also consider staff of westfall....it has the same spirit and more int (aka more regen)...its also free

edit: also id get a treebark w/ 100hp...ur gona want it for arenas (hp and mana are worth more to a healer in arena than they are in wsg....in wsg u want mp5/spell pwr)
If you are going after the +4 expertise it in my opinion would be at a lesser advantage. the gloves of the fang are good for a rogue but the strength isnt going to do you much honestly. Expertise isnt as important as hit rating due to the fact that your shots dont get parry'd or dodged. unless your a melee huntard i wouldnt sugest getting the 3 piece fang set.

Next patch they are going to buff up deviate scale belt hopfully from 3 spirit to 3 hit rating which you will gain 3 hit 2 ap +4 int if you go falcon gloves and hopfully fishing boots idk what other fang piece you would get.

For your rings on the hunter go with wrynn and protectors that is your best balanced rings and provide alot of great stats.

For the druid by your gear you are wanting to max your spell power. All honestly thats great for a premade and is a fun set to have. For arena you might want to get a stam/int set kind of like a fc set because depending on who you 2v2 with you will be the main priority. In a pug also there usually isnt a good person worth healing, just 9 other huntards. But it is all personal prefrence you will find a set that you like and for a druid who is a very sustainable survival class i would roll with survival based gear.

GL with these twinks repect that you are interested in somthing other than hunter or rogue. plz make the drood
Thanks everyone, this helped me out A LOT on what I will be doing. I'm gonna get +12 doge to cloak, glove's of the fang for my hunter.

And I'll go for a int/stam build for my druid. I'll more than likely be doing arenas on my druid so.. yeah.

But again, thank you all.
cloak -> agi. monkey glyph won't outlast the patch and you won't let someone hit you either.

forest leather bracers are 5stats...monkey or falcon ones can be 6.

fang gloves are no good. to get the 3fang bonus use boots, belt and legs (legkits will be gone, so it is best itemization)

if you want to get nat's, get 2 pairs. surefooted + cat's. if chasing a FC or supporting a FC you will need the speed. or use fang + minor speed. surefooted is best while dpsing.

tiger axe is useless. get a falcon/agi/power one.

i never had a druid in 19, but when you focus on arena/long lasting heal, you should get a treebark. if against a high dps team it is viable to use 1h+fur. besides this, use 3 staves int/sp/spirit.

if you really have to decide and don't want to make them both -> hunter. druid is gettin better with every bracket and if you really want to have fun with it start at lvl 29.

druid is one of the best classes to play if you want to fulfill different roles and respecc once in a while. do not gimp yourself by playing one in the 19 bracket. 49 is the way to go after 3.1 hits the servers...dualspecc will be 40+ afaik^^ (39 is a lot of fun too).
Cottus said:
For the hunters cloak I personally like to have +12 dodge as it adds almost 5% @19. For the Fang Gloves question, they are better if you have the Embrace of the Viper two or three piece set as it add +7 nature spell dmg and expertise by 4. I like the movement speed +sta or +agility swiftness enchants for better mobility and catching ppl just out of reach.

I don't know where you're getting your information, but the 12 dodge enchant isn't available for 19 twinks anymore. Not only that, but it definitely wouldn't add 5%. It would probably add somewhere around 2%.
3 agil on cloak

9 stam on bracer

4/4 falcon or monkey gloves

get a WSG staff with +25 agil to switch to once you use up your int weapon's mana, which is what 22+10 = 32 int = 480 mana
I am only gonna make a hunter now. the druid seems fine but it'll be a pain to get him fully geared.

I have all me BoE gear for my hunter bought I'll make some changes like..

Sentry Cloak +3 agi

Forest Leather Bracers +9 sta

4/4 mokey and 4/4 falcon gloves +15 agi

Deviate scale belt

the mats for both surefooted and cats

3/3 falcon ring (wewt)

+16 ap axe. for ap set.
Druiddroid said:
get a WSG staff with +25 agil to switch to once you use up your int weapon's mana, which is what 22+10 = 32 int = 480 mana

to gain mp5?

don't you think a battel axe (maybe 8agi or 16AP) is superior?

wsg staff is

8stam -> you come from 6, so it is worth 6stam

4int -> you used 32int, so there is no benefit

3mp5 -> not bad since there is no viper aspect

so if you weren't hit while using 480mp 60hp will remain after switching weapons. if your opponent is not able to hit you, why not switching to a weapon with 8agi or 16ap? (imo 8agi/16AP > 6stam)

if you want to conserve stam scythe axe ( http://www.wowhead.com/?item=5749 ) will be your better choice statwise. (yes i know battle of monkey is 10stats...but i'm sure you were hit once and in that case 3stam6agi is superior to 5/5)
Atotem said:
Forest Leather Bracers +9 sta

Deviate scale belt

the mats for both surefooted and cats

3/3 falcon ring (wewt)

mmh. i still don't like forest leather bracers. wrangler's of monkey, falcon, eagle (or power with int for ap set^^) are superior by 1 stat and they are harder to optain...better epeen rating inc.

be sure to get the fang belt...postpatch it will be viable itemization for hunters too.

if you want you can skip nats/cats and get boars on them...said this i don't see much use for an all out stam set. in arena's it may be viable.

3/3 may be viable, but be sure too get the lavishly jeweled ring. 6stats on both but +hit will be your friend!!!
Bansil said:
mmh. i still don't like forest leather bracers. wrangler's of monkey, falcon, eagle (or power with int for ap set^^) are superior by 1 stat and they are harder to optain...better epeen rating inc.

be sure to get the fang belt...postpatch it will be viable itemization for hunters too.

if you want you can skip nats/cats and get boars on them...said this i don't see much use for an all out stam set. in arena's it may be viable.

3/3 may be viable, but be sure too get the lavishly jeweled ring. 6stats on both but +hit will be your friend!!!

Thank you very much. I'll grab everything that has been said here. Thanks everyone!
I got some difrent gear on my 19 hunter - first of all i would highly recomend 10 SR on Sentry cloack and get the cloack from wc and put 3 agi on that one instead. Another thing is the staff and enchants - i got one with 25 agi and another one with int and switch from time to time. Same with wrists got one with stam enchant and one with 7int to max my int. Overall just buy some diffrent gear and see what fits best with your playstyle. And then just fit from time to time..

ohh another thing - Belts! :D

I got 3 diffrent belts, and Deviate Scale Belt is the one i use the least due to that fact that the others ones grant more Ap and stam

Screecher Belt

Girdle of the Blindwatcher


Deviate Scale Belt

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