19 glasscannon lock?


Would this work? I'm sure I could get 200ish spellpower and then maybe dot and run?

Not sure it would be as fun as a mage though,looking to mke a glasscannon spellcaster so any help would be nice! (Would get a stam set aswell cause I'm sure the survivability would get frustrating, especially in PUGs)
hmm im currently working on a similar project...gonna get spell dmg / stam/ and a fire dmg set...hopefully if i finish sometime soon i can tell you how it goes hehe
My ally lock on bronzebeard has 208 shadow damage with 1440 hp unbuffed (450 mining), it works nicely.

My horde lock had 217 shadow...
I like the idea of a fire dmg set, then with 450 mining spamming searing pain, could do some nice hits I think..

Any thoughts on this?
On my lock, I will now get full shadow sp gear and get HP gear so I can mix and trix with it :D

Think it will be good tho to dot and run. Aslong as the other players dont catch u ofc :p
what are the dmg tic's on a spell power lock like?? I got an incomplete 29 lock but really interested in a 19 Spell power lock.
Zanex said:
I like the idea of a fire dmg set, then with 450 mining spamming searing pain, could do some nice hits I think..

Any thoughts on this?

eh, it's better most of the time to just dot everything and use fears and drain life.

searing pain is pretty decent for duels and arena though.
I've decided to make a glasscannon lock as my next twink project (though I will be building a fire, shadow, and stamina set for him) and was wondering what would good professions be? Now that the 450s aren't possible anymore, no point taking mining/herbalism without thinking.

Does the crit rating you get from skinning count towards spell crit rating? What is engineering good for as a lock if you've got fishing gear? Are mining and herbalism still useful at their 150-level?
Indomitabull said:
I've decided to make a glasscannon lock as my next twink project (though I will be building a fire, shadow, and stamina set for him) and was wondering what would good professions be? Now that the 450s aren't possible anymore, no point taking mining/herbalism without thinking.

Does the crit rating you get from skinning count towards spell crit rating? What is engineering good for as a lock if you've got fishing gear? Are mining and herbalism still useful at their 150-level?

You can get 225 at lvl 19 now. And the only useful things from engineering is goggles, bombs and minor recombobulator, skinning does give you spellcrit!
sorry for the noobish question, but what exactly does "glasscannon" mean? i can clearly see it means a crap ton of SP, but could i get a definition if there really is one?

i have a 19 lock as well, but only 101 shadow SP...just wondering on how i could get that up higher, seeing that some of you are saying you're at 200. thanks for the info in advance!! =D
Glass cannon means exactlly that, you pump out alot of dmg "like a cannon" but you die very easilly "shatter like glass".

In WoW it refers to a class that is naturally squishy with high dmg, going balls to the walls on even more dmg with little to no surivability.
It's a cannon thats made of glass metaphoricly

Like a fire mage with 500 spell damage and like 200hp, rather than 200 spell damage and 1k hp

Thats just an example
glass cannons include all classes. for melee usually glass cannons have str/agil/crit/AP, for hunters int and agil are stacked (with Careful Aim), and for casters sp is stacked.
lol thank you for the hasty replies everyone! funny cuz right after i posted it looked it up on google and they gave me the urban dictionary definition, which is exactly what everyone said! yaayyy!

does anyone have a lock they know that has this 200+ SP so i can see what i need to change? like i said i'm at just over 100, but 200 would be nice =) i dont care if i'm really squishy and die, i just enjoy watching them try and run away and then die lol
First off I am not past 200 shadow damage with this gear on my lock, but for a basic idea you could look at my profile:


Here is the gear I would use to reach the goal pf +200 Shadow SP:

Head: Lucky Fishing Hat w/ Arcanum of Focus = 8 SP

Shoulders: Tattered Dreadmist Mantle = 6 SP @ 19

Back: Shimmering Cloak of Shadow Wraith = 6 Shadow SP

Chest: Inferno Robe = 19 SP

Wrists: Shimmering Bracers of Shadow Wraith w/ Enchant Bracer - Healing Power = 21 Shadow SP

Hands: Serpent Gloves w/ Enchant Gloves - Shadow Power = 27 Shadow SP

Waist: Shimmering Sash of Healing = 6 SP

Legs: Shimmering Trousers of Healing w/ Runic Spellthread = 43 SP

Feet: Shimmering Boots of Shadow Wraith = 6 Shadow SP

Trinket: Discerning Eye of the Beast = 7 SP (This value may be wrong)

Weapon: Staff of the Blessed Seer w/ Enchant Weapon - Spell Power = 43 SP

Ranged: Banshee Rod of the Sun = 1 SP

Consumable: Minor Wizard Oil = 8 SP

Total Shadow SP = 201

This is truly a glass cannon build, and I tend to believe I would want to stack on a few more stats over the "Shadow Wraith" or "Healing" items. While Malëdiction is not currently finished I still do very well in terms of damage - even against a 450 mining twink 2 rounds of Corruptions, 1 CoA, the occasional Immolate, and a proc'd Shadow Bolt is more than enough damage to get the job done.
mirage said:
just make sure you have skill

Or a pocket healer. Really in the world of "skill" when we talk about 19's Warlocks are not hugely complex (now this is just my opinion) if you know where to run and when to start running away. But nothing beats having a pocket healer with this kind of build - with effective cc's a priest and a lock twinked like this can handle and dispatch 5+ people with ease.
Manguy said:
Or a pocket healer. Really in the world of "skill" when we talk about 19's Warlocks are not hugely complex (now this is just my opinion) if you know where to run and when to start running away. But nothing beats having a pocket healer with this kind of build - with effective cc's a priest and a lock twinked like this can handle and dispatch 5+ people with ease.

with a pocket healer, as a lock you're going to probably want to get a little bit of stamina, rather than going full-blown SP. mana doesn't matter because you can manatap it with your healer.

if you're full glass cannon, sometimes people can burst you down while your healer is CC'd or just unable to heal your low health pool effecively in the time that you're getting bursted.

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