19 EU Battlegroup


I bet this has been discussed before but i couldn't find a thread about it so here goes..

Is there any battlegroup in EU that has locked-exp wsg's going?

Iv'e been alone on my twink for so long now, i can play wsg when i unlock exp, run and grab the flag and then do as much pwnage i can until i get downed by the debuff and the do /afk to save me from the exp if a flag get caped.

At the moment my twink is on "Neptulon" and rampage battlegroup, i am willing to xfer but i need to know where. ;)

I don't really feel like playing on "ruin" since it's a US server and will probably lagg my pants of.

Altho i'm not even sure you can move a character from EU to US.

Please give me some feedback on what to do :)

Oh yeah i'm horde by the way
1. You can't move characters from EU to US-accounts.

2. Blackout is, or at least was, active in the 19s. Lately I haven't gotten any pops at all.
Blackout has BGs and to a lesser extent so does Emberstorm. I play in both and I will give you my honest opinion of both. Blackout has games every evening but for some reason these seem to be decreasing in number as time goes by. Emberstorm BGs are only active on Sunday afternoons. Blackout contains some good people but also many people with too large egos. A number of people on Blackout afk rather than lose a game. Emberstorm is generally a nicer place to be IMO but this is tempered by limited games. The choice is ultimately yours.

I trust you will refrain from unlocking XP and 'pwning noobs" in normal BGs. This behaviour will mark you out as terribad wherever you go.
Thing is that i don't want to pay for a transfer and then find out to my dispair that there's no wsg's going on at all.

Do you know if there are 19 guilds on any of the servers?

If so, could you link their armory? :)
And yeah people usually rage when i join the normal BG's.

Cap the flag noob!

Ffs stupid twink get a life

gtfo and level up!

Yeah that's a few quotes. ^^
yh, Blackout was the place to be, but recently ive noticed not just myself but ALOT of other ppl just cba anymore, if its not the 7 man hunter team, its the 6 man hunter team and if its not the 6 man its the.....5 man hunter team. Which is getting tiresome; i mean when i log on at peak times; which is generally 5-12 there will be one game; however if it contains one of the teams i mentioned above; there will be a shortage of games as ppl just cba to sign up again.

I know this is a QQ. But honestly; coming from someone who only plays wow for the 19 twinks, this Bracket is going to die soon, so ty hunters.

I would sit tight for a little bit, maybe try get a funding, and see where the new Bgroup to be will be.
Hmm seems i'll be waiting even longer then, maybe until cata gets released hehe..

I just can't understand why locked xp can't play with unlocked xp people, i mean a person with all the boa items almost counts as a twink in my eyes, they have enchants, they have aloooot bigger healthpool, they do toooons more damage, and they can play with people that don't have boa-gear.

Compare a person with BoAitems to a person who has questgear, at say... level 19.

alot of level 19s run around in white, green gear with like 500hp >.<

So why should someone with locked xp not be allowed to play with people that has ordinary xp? There are already twinks in those battlegroups, BoA twinks.
AkAPatriot said:
Hmm seems i'll be waiting even longer then, maybe until cata gets released hehe..

I just can't understand why locked xp can't play with unlocked xp people, i mean a person with all the boa items almost counts as a twink in my eyes, they have enchants, they have aloooot bigger healthpool, they do toooons more damage, and they can play with people that don't have boa-gear.

Compare a person with BoAitems to a person who has questgear, at say... level 19.

alot of level 19s run around in white, green gear with like 500hp >.<

So why should someone with locked xp not be allowed to play with people that has ordinary xp? There are already twinks in those battlegroups, BoA twinks.

AkAPatriot said:
Hmm seems i'll be waiting even longer then, maybe until cata gets released hehe..

I just can't understand why locked xp can't play with unlocked xp people, i mean a person with all the boa items almost counts as a twink in my eyes, they have enchants, they have aloooot bigger healthpool, they do toooons more damage, and they can play with people that don't have boa-gear.

Compare a person with BoAitems to a person who has questgear, at say... level 19.

alot of level 19s run around in white, green gear with like 500hp >.<

So why should someone with locked xp not be allowed to play with people that has ordinary xp? There are already twinks in those battlegroups, BoA twinks.

Those "BoA twinks" and the regular 500hp guys dont have any skeelz in Wsg nor any low level PvP aspects. I want to remind you how much a decent twink has for options only tru the knowledge of his stuff. And besides, who want to play with random LOW HP guys if you can have random twinks with no skill?
Zimt the Diplomat said:
Those "BoA twinks" and the regular 500hp guys dont have any skeelz in Wsg nor any low level PvP aspects. I want to remind you how much a decent twink has for options only tru the knowledge of his stuff. And besides, who want to play with random LOW HP guys if you can have random twinks with no skill?

Yeah so now every twink is uberskilled?

I'm not saying you're not skilled, but come on of course there are bad twinks out there..

And like non-twinked lowlevels never are skilled? How to you think the skilled players got their 80s in the first place? It's not like skilled wowplayers don't make new characters, am i right?

My point is, People that have BoA-gear is totally overpowered compared to people without it, and that's what a twink is ( Kind of ) all about, having better gear than your opponant and rip them to shreds.

Now when a twink faces another twink he also needs skills, but now with BoA... People without skills, just like twinks without skills can rip people appart. And THAT'S why i think that twinks should be able to play with non-twinks aswell.

If you could chose, would you rather not play at all?

When you didn't get xp from bgs, there was both twinks and non-twinks in the Bg's, nothing wrong at all, but now people that want to pvp at low level almost can't pvp at all since they will level up, and if they don't want to level up.. Well look at that: Warsong Gulch - Avarage wait time = Unavaible.

Or make a separate BG for BoA-"Twinks" ;)
akapatriot said:
yeah so now every twink is uberskilled?

I'm not saying you're not skilled, but come on of course there are bad twinks out there..

And like non-twinked lowlevels never are skilled? How to you think the skilled players got their 80s in the first place? It's not like skilled wowplayers don't make new characters, am i right?

My point is, people that have boa-gear is totally overpowered compared to people without it, and that's what a twink is ( kind of ) all about, having better gear than your opponant and rip them to shreds.

now when a twink faces another twink he also needs skills, but now with boa... People without skills, just like twinks without skills can rip people appart. And that's why i think that twinks should be able to play with non-twinks aswell.

If you could chose, would you rather not play at all?

When you didn't get xp from bgs, there was both twinks and non-twinks in the bg's, nothing wrong at all, but now people that want to pvp at low level almost can't pvp at all since they will level up, and if they don't want to level up.. Well look at that: Warsong gulch - avarage wait time = unavaible.

Or make a separate bg for boa-"twinks" ;)

90% of 80s are clicking/backpeddling bads that really have no idea how to play a lower bracket.

I haven't seen a single GOOD (backstrafing individual that actually survives) BoA geared toon in 10-19 xp on BGs ever; save twinks I know, leveling through BGs.

The "actually knowing what to do" factor applies with twinking; you can;t faceroll anymore. 80s; pshaw, its all faceroll. WoW happens to be one of the games where you need little to no, in comparison to other games, skill in PvP to win. Its literally: ZERGEZERGEZERGEOWAITTHTGUYPOPTACEEDEESWITCHTOHIMZERGENOWHEDED. Sure there are skilled WoW players, but they happen to be very hard to find.

Twinks aren't/can't be about smashin' undergeared level 12s. Come to Blackout and you'd probably rage. I can imagine, no offense, you haven't played with much good opposition; so you're assumably bad.

The moral of the story: WoW is a bad game, fork over your money to Blizzard and come and get smash't.

Twinks aren't/can't be about smashin' undergeared level 12s. Come to Blackout and you'd probably rage. I can imagine, no offense, you haven't played with much good opposition; so you're assumably bad.


And since when did you know what opposition i have played against? Sure nowadays when if i unlock xp it's not alot, iv'e had this twink for about 3 years and ofc iv'e met some good players.

";So you're assumably bad"... Lol, just lol.

There's nothing wrong about smashing 500hp'd non-twinks at all, it would just be more fun if it was avaible for everyone, since the game is played for fun. ( Well i play it for fun and i hope most people do. >.< )

There's nothing wrong about fighting other twinks either, skilled or not, but it too should be avaible for everyone.

"Yeah well move to a battlegroup with alot of twinks on it then" -

And when the twinks get unactive, no bgs up, no arenas up? Move to next server, and then that gets unactive.. blablabla.

No thanks.
AkAPatriot said:
Yeah so now every twink is uberskilled?

I'm not saying you're not skilled, but come on of course there are bad twinks out there..

And like non-twinked lowlevels never are skilled? How to you think the skilled players got their 80s in the first place? It's not like skilled wowplayers don't make new characters, am i right?

My point is, People that have BoA-gear is totally overpowered compared to people without it, and that's what a twink is ( Kind of ) all about, having better gear than your opponant and rip them to shreds.

Now when a twink faces another twink he also needs skills, but now with BoA... People without skills, just like twinks without skills can rip people appart. And THAT'S why i think that twinks should be able to play with non-twinks aswell.

If you could chose, would you rather not play at all?

When you didn't get xp from bgs, there was both twinks and non-twinks in the Bg's, nothing wrong at all, but now people that want to pvp at low level almost can't pvp at all since they will level up, and if they don't want to level up.. Well look at that: Warsong Gulch - Avarage wait time = Unavaible.

Or make a separate BG for BoA-"Twinks" ;)

I'll quote myself .. "who wants to play with random LOW HP guys if you can have random twinks with no skill?"

random twinks= not to boas guys, i ment the "decent" ones ^^
Wow who would have guessed that there would be so many nerd-raging kids on this forum, calm down and get yourselfs an icecream or something and: Don't worry, be happy!

I'm going to stop checking on this thread as it seems only "Omgimacooltwinkwithskills-kids replies to it.

I aspect comments like: Well stop making so retarded threads then Or maybe even a dirty little PM? Lol if i get any Pm's it would just prove my point.

Well bye bye kids i'm not going to read this thread anymore so have fun making the replies, PartyParty right? Or



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