19 Druid twinks.


Hey guys !

can someone help me out ? with a quick guide on getting the best stam gear for a druid, i want to make a 19 twink druid flag runner to mess around,

and wondering if any of you have experience.

and also.

be able to pop a few heals on the team and for me.

thanks guys :D
Depending on what patch 3.1 brings...things may change a tad for an overall stamina set. Despite that, here is what I believe is going to be the eventual array of gear for an FC druid.

You will want to have somebody farm Timbermaw hold rep for you...only takes about 2 hours now with the rep buff. So you can use...

Weapon- Face Smasher(Or generally any other Weapon with +3 stamina)

Off-hand- Furbolg Medicine Pouch

Head- Lucky Fishing Hat/Green Tinted Goggles (No Libram enchant as of now on the PTR)

Neck- Thick Bronze Necklace (Usually a gold or so in the AH)

Shoulders- Trickier. Heirloom shoulders would be best, however you could also go with Talbar Mantle(Quest from Wailing Cavers), or Double Stitched Woolen Shoulders(Tailoring crafted)

Cape- Miner's Cape (Drop off of a Rare Mob in Deadmines)

Chest- Looks like it's going to be Toughened Leather Armor(Leatherworking crafted...changed to have 13 stam in patch 3.1)

Wrist- Wrangler's Wristbands of Stamina(+5 Ideally, but good luck finding some)

Hands- Probably just some 4/4 Scouting Bracers of the Eagle/Monkey(Depending on your play style...I.E. if you are going to cast rejuv in between shapeshifts or go for total mana conservation)

Belt- Girdle of the Blindwatcher (Drop from Shadowfang Keep)

Pants- Smelting Pants (Drop from Deadmines)

Feet- Ideally Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots, until then, just get Footpads of the Fang(Wailing Caverns drop)

Ring1- Blood Ring

Ring2- Seal of Wrynn/Blood Ring

Trinkets- Ideally 2 AGMs, though that is going to be extremely difficult to do once 3.1 hits. So just get the Insignia and try for 1 AGM at the outset.

Keep in mind this is for alliance druids. With horde there are a few minor changes such as Seal of Sylvanas for another ring, Tranquillien Champion's Cloak, some green quest reward boots that I cannot remember the name of, and Dawnblade for a weapon.
Eax did the allaince version and said some stuff about what to replace for the horde but i'll just put the horde version out there..

Lucky Fishing Hat (until you get this wear the green tinted goggles)

Thick Bronze Necklace (I perfer the wsg necklace.. it gives you some dodge for bear form)

Tabar mantle (if you have a level 80 buy a BOA pair of shoulders)

Tranqullians Champions Cloak (+70 armor)

Toughened Leather Armor (+4 all stats)

Wrangler Bracers of Stamina [+5] (+9 sta enchant)

4/4 eagle gloves (+16 spell power) or 4/4 monkey gloves (+15 agility)

Girdle of the Blindwatcher

Smelting Pants

Nat pagle's fishing boots (+boars speed or +12 stam) until you get these go for the trail blazer boots, green quest boots that have +7sta on them (+minor speed)

Seal of Syvannas

WSG ring (Legionares Band)

AGMx2 or AGMx1 with Insignia of the Horde

Dawn Blade +22 intellect

Fur Bolg Medicine Pouch

Correct me if im wrong but doesnt Sporid cape (+5 stam +4 spirit) give more of a benifit than miners cape for HP?
You can check my armory for basically what you need, if you're alliance.

Of course some of it is changing with the patch... so might want to listen to them before me I guess.


And for a horde FC druid....


Just missing fishing hat and agm... I probably will never finish this guy. I am not the right type person to play an FC... too boring to me.
Drayner said:
And for a horde FC druid....


Just missing fishing hat and agm... I probably will never finish this guy. I am not the right type person to play an FC... too boring to me.

Are you sure you're doing it right :p

Kidding- I do like the FC job in Rayekk, but it can be very boring if you're got two teams turtling.
thanks alot to everybody for the info !

just wondering ? at what level can i start grinding for rep.

the Furbolg Pouch
Jaspa said:
thanks alot to everybody for the info !

just wondering ? at what level can i start grinding for rep.

the Furbolg Pouch

Any level. The best way to do it is to level up until you learn Teleport: Moonglade. Then, go there, and there is an entrance to the Timbermaw Hold at the south. Go in there and die, then run your character to the northern edge of Felwood. And grind away.
Eax said:
Any level. The best way to do it is to level up until you learn Teleport: Moonglade. Then, go there, and there is an entrance to the Timbermaw Hold at the south. Go in there and die, then run your character to the northern edge of Felwood. And grind away.

Additional info: you can rez at the GY in Felwood and save the time of the repeated corps-runs. Also, to grind the rep (someone correct me if I'm wrong) but you'll need a high-level friend to be with you- safest way is to group up, make it Free For All (FFA) and then let them kill you. Then your friend can round up a bunch and kill them; you rez and loot (the feathers are BoP).

I don't know if you get rep for the kills, but if you do, a past thread confirmed that you can follow you friend around as a ghost and still get quest kill credit, so it may work on rep too.
that's exactly how you do it, but a 19 twink can't turn in the feathers so there's really no point in gathering them.
Ramune said:
that's exactly how you do it, but a 19 twink can't turn in the feathers so there's really no point in gathering them.

And there you go! I knew I had some part of it wrong- thanks!
Nat pagle's fishing boots (+boars speed or +12 stam) until you get these go for the trail blazer boots, green quest boots that have +7sta on them (+minor speed)

For horde Trailblazer boots only have 3 Sta and 7 Agil, not Sta so I would get The Foot pads of the Fang any how.

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