19 Druid [Need Opinions]

Ok so this isn't my first twink, but it is my first healer. I'd just like to make it clear that I'm not just some kid that jumped on the druid bandwagon solely because of the travel form (though it is awesome).

This character sheet shows me in my basic healing gear (wsg maybe some world pvp). I'm thinking of grabbing AGM and Seal of Sylvanas just to get a little more survivability for arenas (I'll be 2v2ing with a hunter and possibly 3v3ing with hunter and CC mage). I'll also be grabbing a spirit/mana regen set but I'm not 100% sure on the items/chants I should be grabbing for that. Any comments/constructive criticism is more than welcomed, keep in mind this is my first shot and everything is up for changes.

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Your right, I changed the boot chant tonight from 7 stam without thinking lol. AI might look into the hit rating. Not sure how important it's going to be because I'm doing arena with 2 classes that have alot of CC

Edit: Misread above post
Heals can't miss..hit is useless.
Get spidersilk drape with + 15 Nature Resist. the NR is sooooo important imo. Withit you have a good chance of resisting serpent stings, roots, Nature's grasp, windshear, and lots more. Also, Jutebraid gloves are +2 armor more than serpents if you're going for being perfect.
kablam said:
Get spidersilk drape with + 15 Nature Resist. the NR is sooooo important imo. Withit you have a good chance of resisting serpent stings, roots, Nature's grasp, windshear, and lots more. Also, Jutebraid gloves are +2 armor more than serpents if you're going for being perfect.

the only nature ability that poses a massive threat to druids is purge imo, get shadow resist because fear is a bish

edit: also you need minor speed, in arena, you need to be at maximum possible speed at all times.
Thanks for your input everyone. I was thinking hit was relatively useless. I'll definitely go with the shadow resist to my cloak. Still deciding between 7 stam and minor speed on boots. I guess I should just grab two pairs of boots and use 7 stam for wsg and minor speed for arena
imo, if you have any skill just use Twisted chanters staff +22 int cause you can practically outrun anyone as a druid. int will be a big part for anything. Stam wouldent be much needed just a agm would make up for fur pouch. More int is worth it imo, Los Los Los is the way to arena so ranged shouldent be to bad, good comunication too. GL. and btw ild use 7 stam on boots. always keep a distance on enemy but close enough to heal hunter.
I'd take seal of sylvanas over the vc ring.

WSG neck for the agi for dodge.

+5 resist all is good, or 10 shadow resist.

and go with the badge mace
Hit is not completely useless, having a grasp or roots or MF miss at a critical point can hurt, i would recommend spidersilk cape since its a nice way to pick up quite abit of hit for not many other stats.

Normally i would highly recommend nature resist to cloak to help deal with those pesky shammies, but since you will be rolling with a mage you should be able to work around the sheep timer.

Your druid is low on armour, personally i prefer to roll with leather gloves, legs and wrists (3/3 eagle wranglers if you can find them) to boost your armour. all max eagle stats preferably :)

Talentwise i would advise that you steer clear of imp. MOTW since these are just dispellable stats, natures focus is MUCH more useful. Also much as i love moonglow as a talent, you may wish to go for a more resto build to fill points into subtlety as having hots dispelled seriously mitigates your healing capability.

Glyphs, i would recommend glyph of motw as a minor as this can be helpful for getting rejuv ticks in. For a major glyph i would recommend rejuv as your mana pool isnt really high enough to sustain a HT glyph build.

Much as i love Girdle of the Blindwatcher i usually use [item]Aquarius Belt[/item] in arena just to deal with any burst that comes my way and so i can heal myself without coming off the global CD whilst keeping the healing up on my team mates.

With your team setup i would recommend stam on your boots, as there will be alot of CC coming from your team so you will be more susceptible to ranged dps .`. stam>speed imo.
kablam said:
Get spidersilk drape with + 15 Nature Resist. the NR is sooooo important imo. Withit you have a good chance of resisting serpent stings, roots, Nature's grasp, windshear, and lots more. Also, Jutebraid gloves are +2 armor more than serpents if you're going for being perfect.

Kablam, you would probably know better than anyone, can you tell a difference if you are dueling someone with full nature resist?
Now that you have travel form available id say use a 22 int weap for more snares and shifts, and swap to a sp weap when the mana is used up.

The hit situation for a healer is like this: you are not going to kill anyone as a healer. ever. you're not a hunter or a rogue, you cant go toe to toe with a dps class so you have to be able to escape. If your snares miss, you are going to die. even though miss chance is low to begin with, misses are going to happen at crucial moments, and they can lose games.

If you were a priest, id say go minor speed, but since you're a druid and a very mobile class at that its easier to escape, hence minor speed isnt as important. Get +5 hit imo.
Grabco said:
Kablam, you would probably know better than anyone, can you tell a difference if you are dueling someone with full nature resist?

Yes you do notice a huge difference.

I have been facing people with full nature res, for over the last year now. And I do really notice if someone ain't using Nature Res :D

Roots that Lasts for the whole duration is a rare site when people have nature res. Hell they usually last 3-5 sec at most. Which is allot of less time to toss a heal and some dps :<

Grunge said:
Now that you have travel form available id say use a 22 int weap for more snares and shifts, and swap to a sp weap when the mana is used up.

The hit situation for a healer is like this: you are not going to kill anyone as a healer. ever. you're not a hunter or a rogue, you cant go toe to toe with a dps class so you have to be able to escape. If your snares miss, you are going to die. even though miss chance is low to begin with, misses are going to happen at crucial moments, and they can lose games.

If you were a priest, id say go minor speed, but since you're a druid and a very mobile class at that its easier to escape, hence minor speed isnt as important. Get +5 hit imo.

Maybe yes, but there are easier ways for you to stack hit. The WWG staff of Jordan does have +6 hit. And 15 Spellpower.

That + Spidersilk Drape is 10 hit.

You don't loose minor speed and you do have 10 hit. What can go wrong?
i would recommmend spidersilk, lavishly jeweled and aquarius belt as the way of getting Hit Rating, 11 rating is enough to deal with nelfs, belfs and cows and it frees up your weapon slot which could add upto an extra 8 SP and some stam in your SP set if your using boa mace and either tome or eerie stable lantern.

Hit rating on boots really just eats up stats as there are better ways of getting hit rating with out burning stats. i would recommend Stam on boots with your current team.

a druid can deal out a large amount of dps as long as they have talents in starlight wrath and/or natures focus and/or glyph of wrath. Almost all druids roll with natures focus anyway.

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