19 disc priest?


I havent really heard or seen much of 19 priests recently.. well I havent seen much of any horde twink BUT I am deciding what to make as my second twink for the merger and disc looks like it would be awesome but I cant find any positive or negative on it.

Anybody here play one?
Evade said:
In my opinion, Disc just isn't viable, sure Penance is nice, but Chastise and Desperate Prayer is just too good. I've saved about 15 flags from being repicked with it. its just too valuable. Mind flay is nice, but snaring is best left to other classes, as you are (in my opinion) much more valuable as Holy.

This is your explanation about why holy is better than discipline. I think it deserves to be explained quite better.

I've tried both and both are quite good. Holy has Chastise and Desperate Prayer, they're great and you get a lot of survival with them, but don't underestimate Penance, it's a great ability that can be use both defensive and ofensive. It's preferably to use it as an ofensive ability because flash heal heals the same in half time and penance does about 600 damage, but you can use it as a defensive ability because it's a great fake casting ability, for example: you're at 200hp and there's a rogue dps'ing you, you can use penance and stop it when you receive 1 or 2 ticks (so he won't kill you while fake casting), rogue will use his kick and you can chain flash heals to get you up to 100% again.

I've tried both specs and my opinion is that holy requires a more defensive playstyle, as you heal more but your capability to do damage is lowered (sure, you can use chastise to cast a smite but you can't compare that damage to penance's damage), and discipline requires a more ofensive playstyle. This is my opinion, of course, just another point of view to all of you who say "disc sucks", it does not, it's just a different playstyle.

Nearly forgot to mention that Penance is a channelling cast so you can use it through los, quite important sometimes.
"In my opinion, Disc just isn't viable, sure Penance is nice, but Chastise and Desperate Prayer is just too good. I've saved about 15 flags from being repicked with it. its just too valuable. Mind flay is nice, but snaring is best left to other classes, as you are (in my opinion) much more valuable as Holy."

thats a good enough explanation. 15 games that we would of otherwise lost? hmm no thanks.
"I've saved about 15 flags from being repicked with it"

That doesn't imply that those games were otherwise lost. Maybe you stunned someone that was going to repick the flag in horde base when he was surrounded by all horde team without any support. Maybe if you were better positioned you could have just feared them. Ofc, I've killed some efc, even some repickers, have i saved the bg? Maybe, maybe not, that why it's called "teamwork". Yes, chastise effects seem more visual, you can say "hey, i prevented that guy from repicking, holy spec ftw". Disc is not so visual, but i usually do about 20k damage per bg. Maybe i casually killed the guy who later was going to repick and that why he wasn't there and didn't repick. See? Same effect, but less visual.

Anyway, maybe you enjoy wsg a lot but for me is meh. I took my decision of playing discipline because of arenas. I like to play mage/priest and combining both bursts we kill anyone quite easily, arcane missils + penance while enemy is trying to los us is funny ;P
Intentalo said:
"I've saved about 15 flags from being repicked with it"

That doesn't imply that those games were otherwise lost. Maybe you stunned someone that was going to repick the flag in horde base when he was surrounded by all horde team without any support. Maybe if you were better positioned you could have just feared them. Ofc, I've killed some efc, even some repickers, have i saved the bg? Maybe, maybe not, that why it's called "teamwork". Yes, chastise effects seem more visual, you can say "hey, i prevented that guy from repicking, holy spec ftw". Disc is not so visual, but i usually do about 20k damage per bg. Maybe i casually killed the guy who later was going to repick and that why he wasn't there and didn't repick. See? Same effect, but less visual.

Anyway, maybe you enjoy wsg a lot but for me is meh. I took my decision of playing discipline because of arenas. I like to play mage/priest and combining both bursts we kill anyone quite easily, arcane missils + penance while enemy is trying to los us is funny ;P

yes those 15 were with tie games, and how could i be in position to fear them when im on roof with the fc... derp.
I say try disc try holy go with the one you like. As said before holy is more defensive disc more offensive healing. I personally love disc since it fits my play style. If you see me play in wsg look at damage done, healing done I am usually top healing and probably in the middle for damage. GL with making a priest OP.
Evade said:
yes those 15 were with tie games, and how could i be in position to fear them when im on roof with the fc... derp.

Intentalo is giving a valid and different perspective on another spec you haven't commented properly about. Stop knitpicking.

I'm a fan of Disc aswell, yet with the rogue/holy paladin infestation Holy is better in some situations indeed. Both can be used on O and D. The reason for rolling each spec differentiates due to what's on your team and how they play. The extra burst from Penance on O could be the deciding factor, or, in comparison, a stun preventing a Healer on their D, or an attacker in O, doing their job could be gamebreaking.

Neither are heads and shoulders above one another. Opinions + playstyles define what you spec. Noheals put it perfectly.
I have to agree with evade, I went disc on my priest before trying holy because I thought having penace was just going to be the coolest shit ever, it was ok I guess, damage was alright, certainly not breath taking though. Then when I went holy, my heals were better and desperate prayer provided that "OH SHIT" button when a rogue would come out of no where. chastise really is a great offensive spell and defensive. But like no heals said try them both out. =]
I can see how both are valuable in wsg; the penance ability offers beast offensive damage; and chastise offers a stun to gain ground.

But Evade dude you need to chill with the 'im right your wrong coz it happnd to me' outlook on things. People have different views, its the world we live in!
examinerEU said:
I can see how both are valuable in wsg; the penance ability offers beast offensive damage; and chastise offers a stun to gain ground.

But Evade dude you need to chill with the 'im right your wrong coz it happnd to me' outlook on things. People have different views, its the world we live in!

this bracket doesn't need more damage, it needs more utility. and penance's utility is as about as useful as a man's nipples.

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