19 Classic Guild Directory

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Wizard of the ramp

Name: insert guild name here
Faction: alliance or horde
Server/Region: (server WITH THE REGION (africa, us east, us west etc...))
Recruiting: yes or no (I don't need a monologue, save if for your guild post)
Premading: yes or no (I don't need a monologue, save if for your guild post)
Contact: ingame characters names
Discord: discord server/name



Alliance US Guilds

Name: Aspire
Server & Region: Kurrinnax US West
Recruiting: Yes
Premading: Yes
Contact: Learn, Healbotz, Cirran, Yepi, Stoutshaft, Ef.
Discord: Miasaki#3839

Name: be tough no excuses
Server & Region: Fairbanks US West
Recruiting: Yea
Premading: Yea
Contact: @Tombrady, Tombrady #11259

Name: <Boomer Gameplay>
Server & Region: Pagle US East
Recruiting: Yes
Premading: Soon
Contact: @Lundsey
Discord gummie#7324 or bbrack#9597

Name: Elevated
Server & Region: Faerlina US East
Recruiting: Yes
Premading: Yes
Contact: @Shadez Battletag: M3AN#11953 In Game: Shadez, Fathersauce, Spamstring
Discord: Mean#5086

Name: Gnomeland Security
Server & Region: Kirtonos US East
Recruiting: Yes
Premading: Yes
Contact: Chéf, Deemsters, Critcobain, Twinkietime, Wackatauren or @ChefTV

Name: Guild Punishment
Server & Region: Pagle US East
Recruiting: No
Premading: READY NOW, FUll TEN
Contact: @Canzz or Canzz in Game
Discord: cans22#5970

Server & Region: Mankirk US East
Recruiting: Depends
Premading: Yes
Contact: ''Flag'' ''Verberry'' 'Grizzly'' or @Bowner
Discord: ExpectDeath/Ark#2978

Name: Hello Kitty Mafia
Server & Region: Ashkandi US East
Recruiting: Yes
Premading: Yes
Contact: @Skeezin
Discord: Skeez#9999

Name: Inspect Me
Server & Region: Fairbanks US West
Premading: Yes
Conact: @Solmar
Discord: Kirun#0056, Success#6812

Name: No Hard Feelings
Server & Region: Westfall US East
Recruiting: No
Premading: Yes
Contact: @Pizza or Pizzã, Hb, Author ingame
Discord: Pizza#6642, Fearthebuns#0954, Daniel Blue#1426

Name: Scooters Engine Repair
Server & Region: Herod US East
Recruiting: Tryout in WSG
Premading: tbh if youre not premading youre pretending
Contact: @Jamesb Xdor Jamesb Yogi
Discord: https://discord.gg/3UfysXE

Name: <Silverwing Sentinels>
Server: Fairbanks US East
Recruiting: Yes
Premading: ?
Contact: @Cdubmakindubs
Discord: N/A

Name: Stonetalon Stranglers
Server & Region: Incendius US East
Recruiting: 19's
Premading: Soon
Contact: @NoBizness or Btag: #Cucu11892
Discord: N/A

Name: Top Gun
Server & Region: Sulfuras US East
Recruiting: All
Premading: Yes
Contact: @maf or Regulated, Mid
Discord: Fr#4164

Name: Well Met
Server & Region: Incendius US East
Recruiting: 19s
Premading: Possible organzied "wargames" in the future (depending on interest).
Contact: @jake11241, or message me in game @ Alorra (twink) or Jethoril (main)
Discord: @JakeyCakey#8944

Horde US Guilds

Name: <can we stop>
Server/Region: Fairbanks US West
Recruiting: Yes
Premading: Soon
Contact: @(Hass) or @anatomyx
Discord: Hass#8610

Name: Dope Elite Assassins <DEA>
Server & Region: Smolderweb US West
Recruiting: Yes
Premading: Yes
Contact: @Wuts
Discord: https://discordapp.com/channels/285922125494353920/409341772477759488

Name: <Google Twink>
Server & Region: Incendius US East
Recruiting: Yes, with trial
Premading: Soon
Contact: Velriic, Sneakytwink, Twinkybear, Nasti, Disc or @Velric
Discord: N/A

Server & Region: Herod US East
Recruiting: Experience and Willing to always improve.
Premading: YES
Contact: @Bowner or omegaseoren#1237
Discord: ExpectDeath/Ark#2978

Name: Mayhem
Server & Region: Skeram US East
Recruiting: No
Premading: No
Contact: spagett (Veg) / matched (Ibehealin) / faithpalm (Salt) (the only 3 guild members) or @Its me veg
Discord: dominate discord

Name: PVP Twink
Server & Region: Whitemane US West
Recruiting: Yes
Premading: Just hit up guild chat and group up, ape strong together.
Contact: @Usermang
Discord: N/A

Name: Redridge Menace
Server & Region: Fairbanks US
Recruiting: All 19 twinks
Premading: Yes
Contact: @Vehexmence or Horsesauce, Bigoof, Exu in game
Discord: Vehemence#1356

Name: <Warsong Elite>
Server & Region: Earthfury US East
Recruiting: 19s (closed on rogues)
Premading: Monday nights @ 7pm - currently seeking 1 more mage and hunter for full premade team
Contact: @Crippled or Btag: Diz#12427
Discord: Zafdizzle#8692

Name: Warlords of Warsong
Server & Region: Rattlegore US
Recruiting: 19s mainly but we will be building all brackets and lvl 60 PvP.
Premading: Premades will definitely be happening once we get the numbers
Contact: @Warlord Daboo or Daboo#11580 on Bnet
Discord : DabooMobile#6079

Name: Warsong Wardens
Server & Region: Arcanite Reaper US
Recruiting: All 19 twinks
Premading: Yes
Contact: @Midds
Discord: N/A

Alliance EU Guilds

Name: Nineteen
Server & Region: Mirage Raceway EU
Recruiting: Yes
Premading: Yes
Contact: Arrow, Zoom, Rival, Lag, Furbolg or the Co-GM Taitee/Mattait, or @Rival#
Discord: Az#5891

Name: Silverwing Sentinels
Server & Region: Pyrewood Village - EU
Recruiting: Skilled players of all classes/specs. Preferrably non-rogue though!
Premading: No fixed schedule, but considering our activity of 10+ at any time we don't have any trouble creating groups.
Contact: @Vehemity or Vehemity#2380 ingame
Discord: https://discord.gg/j3vWx2c

Name: <Stiknarkomanerne>
Server & Region: Shazzrah EU
Recruiting: Mainly 19s but also 29s
Premading: No set time schedule, but we have 30+ lvl 19 twinks so there's always players to team up with!
Contact: @Narko
Discord: N/A

Name: They Reminisce Over You <TROY>
Server & Region: Yojamba, OCEANIC
Recruiting: BIS + chants but not fussed on librams
Premading: Probably
Contact: @Twinkmkfour or Mkfour/Tipitina ingame
Discord: Mkfour#4749

Name: Twinks 'r' Us
Server & Region: Gandling EU
Recruiting: Yes
Premading: Yes
Contact: anyone in the guild or @Chik
Discord: https://discord.gg/mE3EkNZ

Name: Twinks Tea Club
Server & Region: Razorgore EU
Recruiting: In all brackets, loads of us play in 29 and 39s too! Atm we're looking mostly for a mage to fill our 19 roster, but you can always hit me up if you're interested in joining :)
Premading: There'll be alot of us playing on a daily base, so creating a premade won't be a problem. Once people get back into the vibe of Warsong Gulch we'll eventually start premading other guilds!
Contact: @Sybill or Btag: Prolune#2778 or GM: Rahbek#2785
Discord: N/A

Name: Warsongs Elite
Server & Region: Everlook-EU(GER)
Recruiting: every class is welcome
Premading: YES
Contact: @mczizegg or Ingame "Birnengelee" Lvl 19 Mage

Horde EU Guilds

Name: Booty Bay Booty Fanatics
Server & Region: Golemagg Horde EU
Recruiting: Yes
Premading: Yes
Contact: Btag Syke#21894 or @Syke
Discord: Syke#0479

Name: <E T Phone Gnome>
Server & Region: Mirage Raceway (EU)
Recruiting: All classes except Rogue. Priority on Priests and Hunters.
Premading: Daily 10-mans. Aiming for organized 10v10's as well.
Contact: @E T Phone Gnome or Cowblackout / Picknick / Imnot
Discord: https://discord.gg/eEkJVhm

Name: Guru Bank Advisor
Server & Region: Shazzrah EU
Recruiting: 19's
Premading: Working on it
Contact: @Concluded or Consol / Snushi (Or any other member in the guild)
Discord: https://discord.gg/gjMEfD7

Name: <PRO>
Server & Region: Shazzrah EU
Recruiting: Yes, only Russian speaker
Premading: Yes
Contact: @Katenak
Discord: https://discord.gg/PgaGGKF
Btag: Katenok#2499

Name: Привет
Server & Region: Пламегор — RU
Recruiting: Yes
Premading: Yes
Contact: (battle.net) PostAcid#2378, @postacid
Discord: PostAcid#7138
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Name: Silverwing Sentinels
Faction: Alliance
Server & Region: Pyrewood Village - EU
Recruiting: Skilled players of all classes/specs. Preferrably non-rogue though!
Premading: No fixed schedule, but considering our activity of 10+ at any time we don't have any trouble creating groups.

Vehemity#2380 ingame
Discord = https://discord.gg/j3vWx2c

Just to get the ball rolling ^^
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Name: PVP Twink
Faction: Horde
Server & Region: Whitemane US
Recruiting: 19s, 29s, 39s, 49s - any and all welcome
Premading: Just hit up guild chat and group up.
Contact: (Battle Net) Usermang #1745
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Name: Well Met
Faction: Alliance
Server & Region: Incendius US
Recruiting: 19s
Premading: Possible organzied "wargames" in the future (depending on interest). Current state will be casual competitive pugs with guildies.

Message me in game @ Alorra (twink) or Jethoril (main)
Or add me on Discord @JakeyCakey#8944 if you're interested in syncing up
Name: Indoor Kidz
Faction: Horde
Server & Region: Hydraxian Waterlords EU
Recruiting: Experienced 19's certain funds available - need warlock and shaman with experience for premades.
Premading: Willing to organise eventually, mainly pugging for now.

Btag - Tohzt#2105
Discord - Tohzt#4342
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Name: <Warsong Elite>
Faction: Horde
Server & Region: Earthfury US
Recruiting: 19s (closed on rogues)
Premading: Monday nights @ 7pm - currently seeking 1 more mage and hunter for full premade team

Discord: Zafdizzle#8692
Btag: Diz#12427
Name: <Stiknarkomanerne>
Faction: Aliiance
Server & Region: Shazzrah EU
Recruiting: Mainly 19s but also 29s
Premading: No set time schedule, but we have 30+ lvl 19 twinks so there's always players to team up with!

btag: GustavLP#2372
Name: Twinks Tea Club
Faction: Alliance
Server & Region: Razorgore EU
Recruiting: In all brackets, loads of us play in 29 and 39s too! Atm we're looking mostly for a mage to fill our 19 roster, but you can always hit me up if you're interested in joining :)
Premading: There'll be alot of us playing on a daily base, so creating a premade won't be a problem. Once people get back into the vibe of Warsong Gulch we'll eventually start premading other guilds!

Btag: Prolune#2778 & our GM: Rahbek#2785
Name: Stonetalon Stranglers
Faction: Alliance
Server & Region: Incendius US
Recruiting: 19's
Premading: YES, since day 1.

Btag: #Cucu11892

Biggest & most active 19 Alliance Twink Guild on the server at the moment. Feel free to add me on btag or whisper any member online for a guild invite. Goodluck to everyone!
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Faction: Horde
Server & Region: Herod
Recruiting: Experience and Willing to always improve.
Premading: YES
Contact: omegaseoren#1237 < 1 NUMBER OFF FROM BEING L337 1337 leet
Discord: ExpectDeath/Ark#2978
Warlords of Warsong
Rattlegore US
Recruiting 19s mainly but we will be building all brackets and lvl 60 PvP.
Premades will definitely be happening once we get the numbers
Contact @Warlord Daboo on XPoff or Daboo#11580 on Bnet
Discord : DabooMobile#6079
Name: Guild Punishment
Faction: Alliance
Server & Region: Pagle US East
Recruiting: No
Premading: READY NOW, FUll TEN
Contact: Canzz in Game
Discord: cans22#5970

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Name: Warsong Wardens
Faction: Horde
Server & Region: Arcanite Reaper US
Recruiting: All 19 twink
Premading: Yes
Contact: Bonehugs
Discord: N/A
Name: They Reminisce Over You <TROY>
Faction: Alliance
Server & Region: Yojamba, OCEANIC
Recruiting: BIS + chants but not fussed on librams
Premading: Probably
Contact: Mkfour/Tipitina ingame
Discord: Mkfour#4749
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Name: No Hard Feelings
Faction: Alliance
Server & Region: Westfall US East
Recruiting: No
Premading: Yes
Contact: Pizzã, Hb, Author
Discord: Pizza#6642, Fearthebuns#0954, Daniel Blue#1426
Name: Inspect Me
Faction: Alliance
Server & Region: Fairbanks US West
Premading: Yes
Conact: Solmar, Cashed
Discord: Kirun#0056, Success#6812
Name: <E T Phone Gnome>
Faction: Horde
Server & Region: Mirage Raceway (EU)
Recruiting: All classes except Rogue. Priority on Priests and Hunters.
Premading: Daily 10-mans. Aiming for organized 10v10's as well.
Contact: Cowblackout / Picknick / Imnot
Discord: https://discord.gg/eEkJVhm
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