How old are you? I am 17 years old!
Where do you come from? Im from Denmark
Why do you play twinks? Well first of all back in vanilla days i played on Sunstrider. One of my irl friends started playing thoose 19 characters that didnt level up and only played bg's. I found it interresting and gave it a try, and didnt stop again
im that addicted to it that i only use main characters to get gear/gold for my twinks
How long have you been playing in the 19 bracket? As posted above, ive been active since vanilla, i did have a 1 year break from november 2010 till nov 2011
Why are you applying for ALLSPACESNOCAPS? I need a good, social alliance guild for my twink rogue. so i thought this guild would be the best choice, also theres some good people in it which i faced in the Gulch
Would anyone recommend you? If yes, who? I normally play horde side, but now i want to play my old nelf rogue again. As i said i played on sunstrider before, so not many people would reccomend me on alliance side im afraid.
Corrupted Night Dragon is used for ...? The only use i know is, you cleanse them and get thoose 1time use items which heals some of your health and mana.
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Lätex @ Draenor - Game Guide - World of Warcraft