15-19 Armory Thread Extended Edition v2

This is what I get when I click on his armory,

That is what they are doing now for Inactive people....instead of the Oops Error message there going to allow you to see there gear just you wont be able to see there apperance
So ur suggesting me to wear some sorta shitty gear, to get less hit? Thxzbaiplz.
obv im not the expert of 15 mage twinking? theres 2 links there take a guess which one i meant....
and if you meant expertise by hit? then WTF? you lose 1 agi, 4 stami for nothing? theres no gouge to dodge dawg.
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And if you meant another chest then i find that comment too stupid to think about... 1 agi for 5 crit is crappy?:DD

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