12-Year Role Name


Head Admin

As we all know we have a role system based on your years of service.
We've recently considered the introduction of a 12 years role (this was canned roughly half a decade ago in favor of the 2008/2009 exclusive OG instead), but with our OGs approaching 15 years we're open for revisiting this idea.

We've got a few hot candidates internally already for the name but I figured we might asw ask the community for your suggestions.
So here goes nothing.
i said name, not color for a reason
the color will be fairly trivial and tbd but it cant be orange bc that's already taken up by moderators
in general, it would be something not orange/red (that's reserved for staff) but yeah
"Should Have Done Better In College"
"Why Am I Still Here After 12 Years"
"Forever Single"
"What Could Have My Life Been In An Alternate Timeline"
I think MVP votes are something the community has wanted back for a while now, great suggestion. (once per year vote)
Add some more badges for achievements on the website (1000/5000 likes for example)
I kinda like this idea
"Why Am I Still Here After 12 Years"
“Twinkinfo” badge to pay homage to the original name of this site. “Legacy” badge also sounds cool or “Timewalker”

legacy & legend are too close imo, timewalker and loyalist are pretty good ones though!
- Senior Citizen Award
- Still here?!?!
- Ain't nobody got time LIKE this

Titles/badges equals fun!

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