Panda timewalking is next week
So I didn't gem up any gear yet, too lazy and running a hunter, but already had a warforged 310 item drop...
….yeah, and it was a necklace.
Panda timewalking is next week
Ya, we got a few rage whispers from this one (attached). Disc twinks are basically invincible.
It scales down to whatever expac the TWing is for. Panda TW is lvl 85? So maybe ilvl 112. Best bet is 3 x az pieces, 2-3 x legion legendaries and socket gear from ICC, SoO, ToT. Maybe some trinkets from HFC. Or just 2 x northrend JC trinkets with 2 sockets each.
I do BG's with a community and we need more people. Horde only. Let me know if you want to join.
Redwinters#11393 add me and whisper when you see me online.I'd love to join the community, been lookin for a 119 twink community for a while now. Have one for my 79 toons, have yet to have any luck finding one for 119 tho, so hell yeah I'm in. shoot me an inv.
My 119 twink is linked in signature.