111 druid burst during a Legion invasion (4s kill)


Anniversary this, high ilvl that... This is what I'm doing instead. 300k -->0 in 4s. Most of the credit goes to https://www.wowhead.com/champion=646/keeper-remulos and his https://www.wowhead.com/spell=219210/emerald-charge.

For the curious, my gear is in my sig. Buffs used:
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=240192/elunes-grace (Val'sharah zone buff during invasions)
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=1459/arcane-intellect (mage buff)
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=240934/demonic-rage (from an item on the ground during invasions)
https://www.wowhead.com/item=140397/ghanirs-blossom (druid class hall item, needs Tier 2 plots upgrade selected)
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=240909/fel-infused (from an item on the ground during invasions)
https://www.wowhead.com/item=168314/biltong (BFA food)
https://www.wowhead.com/item=168652/greater-flask-of-endless-fathoms (BFA flask)

Things you can do to increase the burst further, though I didn't use them:
https://www.wowhead.com/item=168498/superior-battle-potion-of-intellect (BFA potion)
https://www.wowhead.com/item=140394/thornstalk-barbs (roughly 87% of Remulos's ability damage, druid class hall item, needs Tier 2 plots upgrade selected)

This should be doable by any druid spec, though a stun opener ensures the enemy stays in Remulos's fire trail.
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Small world, stranger


  • Tavore.png
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Idk, 119s are becoming a good contender with how high their ilvl is getting. I would definitely recommend gearing at least one.
During BFA invasions there is Azerite sphere buff that give 4x damage so Greater Pyroblast or Sniper Shot (with enough mastery+vers) are just oneshot on anyone because it's % damage.

The buff expires when you kill 10-12 people or NPC in the zone because t's part of the invasion WQ but you can have it forever if you'r in the raid group (being raid prevents you from gaining progress in normal quest).

So using world buffs to oneshot someone really not that hard no need to stack anything just press one button.
During BFA invasions there is Azerite sphere buff that give 4x damage so Greater Pyroblast or Sniper Shot (with enough mastery+vers) are just oneshot on anyone because it's % damage.

The buff expires when you kill 10-12 people or NPC in the zone because t's part of the invasion WQ but you can have it forever if you'r in the raid group (being raid prevents you from gaining progress in normal quest).

So using world buffs to oneshot someone really not that hard no need to stack anything just press one button.

You're talking about https://www.wowhead.com/spell=282604/unstable-azerite-flare, available in Stormsong Valley and Nazmir during the kill 12 players WQ. Yes, this makes you pretty much a raid boss (takes 3+ 120s coordinating stuns/cc to kill me if I have it) and is overall stronger. Still, as a mostly dot class (resto druid) I don't have such hard hitters to 1-shot people, plus that flare is up at best every 3rd day (less often if that quest is not up). Legion invasions are every day.

I am surprised that it actually buffs % based skills, such as GPyro and Sniper Shot, in any way, to be honest.

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