Dannymcbride Grandfathered Jul 19, 2018 #1 So I decided to twink my 110 mage and was wondering is there anyone working on a 111 guide?
Fallingpiano Banned Aug 10, 2018 #2 I’m going to wait until people get to 120 for a little while and we see what type of BoEs hit the auction house.
I’m going to wait until people get to 120 for a little while and we see what type of BoEs hit the auction house.
Shragenator Legend Aug 10, 2018 #3 I'm not aware of any BoEs existing akin to the 101s in legion, but stacking antorus gear + 2 legendaries + heart of azeroth + azerite armor seems preeeetty busted at 110
I'm not aware of any BoEs existing akin to the 101s in legion, but stacking antorus gear + 2 legendaries + heart of azeroth + azerite armor seems preeeetty busted at 110