11-20 aint true

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footprints said:
If this goes live, I will give away my 2 unused Shadowfangs (oh wait they might not be worth as much).


they'll still be the best swords - and best for burst

all teh level 20 1handers are fast.

good dps, but some with sub 2.0 speed :S
[item]Crest of Darkshire[/item]

will be usable if this goes through

also 225 engineering

so expect lucky fishing hat to not be such a must have, rocket boots should change the game, and parachute cloak.
Zerô Skill said:
[item]Crest of Darkshire[/item]

will be usable if this goes through

also 225 engineering

so expect lucky fishing hat to not be such a must have, rocket boots should change the game, and parachute cloak.

Ima need to faction change for that shield on my sham if this goes live.
When WSG first came out the level bracket was 10-20

discuss :p
Wasn't it 11-20 when it first came out? Meh, w/e I know the cap was level 20 :p Remember doing level ~30 ab's facing the 40s with their mounts D:
Just a though for the road... isn't alterac valley already the 71-80 you fear BG to be ?

for alterac valley there is no 80 only BG and there never was, not even in TBC or vanilla times.

and the argument of saying that it swould kill the thing by making higher end bracket levels pawning noobs. wasn't it what the anti-twink community was bragging about already ? i mean we were in the 19 bracket pawning noobs to begin with. same with the other brackets, wasn't twinks 29-39 and 49 already pawning not geared noobs and owning the BG by themselves ?

seriously the argument is flawed.

if the brackets changes, there wont be any complaints. at least, not as much as you'd think, there wont be more then there is now !

in BGs we're already getting owned by higher level geared players.

so what will change in all this ?

i can tell you this much, gears will change, how many times did we saw a level 20 item and were like "whoa, why isn't this thing 19 i would so pawn in it." let's face it, this is an RPG game based on gears and levels, i have said it often since i came here and i repeat it, level 1 aren't supposed to beat the hell out of a level 20 ! so are the end levels too strong ? well the geared guys aren'T supposed to be bested by a little 78 who just came to be 78 a few hours ago. does that means they can't be in the same BG... AV has been showing the results since its debut.

conclusion of this argument :

flawed by the simple fact that this is an RPG and many people, especially in the twink community are forgetting it by wanting skills to be higher on the list then everything else.

i love skills, i am the kind who think skills can be higher then gears, i am not so close minded either... i am realist here, gears are part of your skills, with the right gear you can push your skills higher, skills cannot go too far without gears. but without skills even the best gears cannot rocket you to the top.

thats the reality of an RPG.

this is also the why blizzard is doing cataclysm.

too much things goes out of hands, sometimes its better to start a new then continu to add onto problems.

balance is everything, but you cannot ask them to balance a level 1 twink to rival level 20ies or even 30ies

thats against the RPG element.


i agree with the mount argument though, its th eonly thing that would stop them from doing this !
Just to keep things stirred up...extending the bracket to 20 has serious consequences beyond gear changes and adding mounts. Shamans, priests, and paladins get their short cast heals, and druids get an update of their long-cast heal. That alone changes the game for every healing class. Plenty of other level-20 related things happen as well.

I've never made a twink for the lowest bracket, but I'd do it in a heartbeat if 11-20 came to pass. Honestly, I think 11-20 would quickly become my favorite bracket. I'd prefer no mounts, but I'm willing to have mounts for a shot at 11-20.

Yeah, I think 20 being the cap would definitely add something to the game, hunters would hurt...a LOT (aimed shot +dual wield 22 int...) but rogues would get poisons as well, which would be hawt...we'll see, i doubt its going live but cha never know
Zerô Skill said:
[item]Crest of Darkshire[/item]

will be usable if this goes through

Holy crap -- it took me a couple of days to realize how big a deal this would be -- that shield can take the +18 STA enchant, and would be the only one to do so for the 11-20 bracket. No other shield would come close.

They lied to us, battleground level changes did go through, just not in this way. =0
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