11-20 aint true

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so, i just had a chat with a gm because of some issue i had, then, he asked me if i had some other question, and the 19 bracket thign came up in my mind, i asked this: ''patchnotes for the PTR say that there will be a quest rewarded for WSG for players around level 11-20.

followed by: ''does that mean that 10-19 pvp will change to 11-20?''

he responded with: '' No i beleive that this did infact mean 10-19 as there will be no changed to the way the battleground levels currently work.''

Cydro, if you'd had extra experience with GM's and thier statements, you'd know that they are really often wrong, because GM's don't really know shit in all fairness rofl. They are here to help with in-game issues. Not development :)

And yes, there has been posted a SS in the thread I made. Still doesn't prove anything one way or another.
I mean it's soooo totally obvious that they would announce this semi-major change in such an awesome and clear way and it definitely isn't obviously just a typo
Hamcake said:
I mean it's soooo totally obvious that they would announce this semi-major change in such an awesome and clear way and it definitely isn't obviously just a typo

Ye, just like they announced fishing boots going 35, etc. Blizzard always state everything clearly... ESPECIALLY when it comes to the twink community... Jeez
lindenkron said:
Ye, just like they announced fishing boots going 35, etc. Blizzard always state everything clearly... ESPECIALLY when it comes to the twink community... Jeez

Yes and that change affected levellers a lot too. Lots of levellers with fishing boots going around everywhere, too many to count in fact.
^^ Lulz at hamcake. But yes, this statement is throwing bacon at a pig. Fishing boots.. You expect anyone else besides twinks and 80's to go for this item, or even be ABLE to. How many people trying to speed level (which blizzard wants) do you see at the fishing tourny every weekend. And then you state that, 11-20 would only effect the twink community. And yes it would, but not ONLY us, it would effect every bracket, and every way of PvP. The way i see it, they CAN'T do this, because the brackets would be as such.






61-70 (Wheres the 70 only BG's??)

71-80 (Wheres the 80 only BG's??)

Blizzard isnt going to mix in 71-79's with their HardCore PvP 80's, would just be pwning noobs all the time, which would cause all 71-79 to QQ and complain that their just trying to do some BG's and their getting roflpwnt by a warlock in full t8.5, and an arms warrior with 900 resil.

Every day. All day.

Then ofcorse the 80 community would complain aswell, that they want 80 only BG's back.

This change, would completely destroy the entire twinking brackets. from 19-69. It would tear it apart to its core, that i gaurantee you so many people wouldnt play this game anymore.

Because i promise, there is a replacement for almost every piece of twink gear.

This bracket change.




Get over it.


lindenkron said:
Ye, just like they announced fishing boots going 35, etc. Blizzard always state everything clearly... ESPECIALLY when it comes to the twink community... Jeez
Twinkzruz - that's what I thought, so I said this couldn't be - but maybe the new it'll be 71-80, and then there will be the "Rated Battleground" being for 80's only? Just a thought...
Twinkzruz said:
^^ Lulz at hamcake. But yes, this statement is throwing bacon at a pig. Fishing boots.. You expect anyone else besides twinks and 80's to go for this item, or even be ABLE to. How many people trying to speed level (which blizzard wants) do you see at the fishing tourny every weekend. And then you state that, 11-20 would only effect the twink community. And yes it would, but not ONLY us, it would effect every bracket, and every way of PvP. The way i see it, they CAN'T do this, because the brackets would be as such.






61-70 (Wheres the 70 only BG's??)

71-80 (Wheres the 80 only BG's??)

Blizzard isnt going to mix in 71-79's with their HardCore PvP 80's, would just be pwning noobs all the time, which would cause all 71-79 to QQ and complain that their just trying to do some BG's and their getting roflpwnt by a warlock in full t8.5, and an arms warrior with 900 resil.

Every day. All day.

Then ofcorse the 80 community would complain aswell, that they want 80 only BG's back.

This change, would completely destroy the entire twinking brackets. from 19-69. It would tear it apart to its core, that i gaurantee you so many people wouldnt play this game anymore.

Because i promise, there is a replacement for almost every piece of twink gear.

This bracket change.




Get over it.


Blizz may end up reasoning that now that players can level up through BG's, a 70's only BG may cease to be really practical, at least in XP BGs and redesign the brackets accordingly. In most brackets, Rogues and Hunters stand on top. After looking through armor listings at X0 levels, most gains in better gear are made by cloth casters and the mail except at lvl 40. Level 40 experiences the most dramatic changes. Plate and mail are learned by their respective classes. These classes also get access to their Highlander/Defiler armor like the Clothies, rogues and druids get at 38. The WSG Epic wrists also become available at lvl 40 as well.

I peeked at weapons some, but how they would compare vs BoA weapons, I'm not certain.
this issue is beginning to remind me about brett favre

old old old old speculation, just WAIT geez
Twinkzruz said:
My god does anyone read my posts.


no but really i can see the problem of 71-79 complaining, but 80s would probably be like WOOT i can farm mid that much faster! there wouldn't be many 71-79 players anyways

not to mention the bracket could just be 71-79...

of course this is just adding on to the speculation of something that won't ever happen...like brett favre quitting
Ok then fucking explain EG to me, im trying to get to the point of a MOTHER FUCKING BRICK WALL. God damn it, the reason why 80's NOW, have their own Battlegrounds is becuse their gear skyrockets that of questing gear up from 79.
Twinkzruz said:
Ok then fucking explain EG to me, im trying to get to the point of a MOTHER FUCKING BRICK WALL. God damn it, the reason why 80's NOW, have their own Battlegrounds is becuse their gear skyrockets that of questing gear up from 79.

Because at some point during Cataclysm, it is possible that the number of player sticking to Lvl 80 Wrath Content would drop dramatically and players levelling through XP BGs find themselves running into a Qeue problem in 80s only BGs, QQ About how levelling from 80-81 through BGs takes 5x the time it does to do the same through questing because of the qeue times alone. Blizz ends up giving in to this QQ as a result. Thus the merger could then occur. Those that are limited to 60/70/80 by their account could find themselves automatically transferred to non-XP BGs once they hit their cap, effectively keeping all players with 80 Raid/PvP gear separated from the XP BGs after a certain threshold.
Yes but im not talking about Cataclysm... And even so, your saying that the brackets would also be 81-84, and 85 would have it's own bracket.

but thats also proving my point that the brackets are never going to change as is, because 80's NEED their own bracket, and RIGHT NOW, they have it, and they couldnt make it 71-79, beucase that would just not work out on a level of balance.
Well, it is going to get fucked up with Cataclysm anyways due to the level 85 thing and not level 90, so when it comes out and they start fucking with the brackets, there's no way of telling just how much they will change
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