10's Worth it?


I was thinking of making a 10, but is it even worth it? With 5.2 coming etc.

Any additional information is appreciated!
1. I have never heard of anyone complaining that they made a 10.
2. I have only heard that people regret levelling their 10 twink.
3. 10 PVE is awesome.
4. RFC, DM, WC all doable in groups of 5 level 10 twinks. (Some attempt to solo and have been successful)
5. PVP in different zones- especially STV
6. War games
7. The occasional organized XP off games posted here on forums . . . Hopefully we get more games.
8. Fiddling around with secondary stats - crit, haste, resil, hit.

These are a few reasons to make and keep a 10.
IMO it's worth it to make a 10 until 5.2, and stay 10 after 5.2 if you like it. If you have enough gold to gear up and enchant at 10 and 14, go 14 in 5.2 if you would rather.
Man Ive twinked 10 12 and 14 and before I got a new girlfriend and took a wow break they were my favourite twinks to farm xp on bgs with... i used to group up with other like minded horde haters and do some wawesque farming
Xrated on Bleeding Hollow has organized XP off games on TI, and does BGs every day, so if anyone wants to go there and pvp with him you can :p
naw not worth it

most of gfd gear is gone(wingblade/armor pieces)
very difficult to get agms

As for other replies, a lvl 10 twink just wont "own" a lvl 30, unless they are a naked lock or something
too much abilities now, and stat scaling is alittle different in mop/cata

on the other note, 10 /12 twinks are a lie man, unless you were some late wrath child who just came to the game,
you got to understand at lvl 10-19 people did not even know what battlegrounds were, at 30-39 is when people actually knew what bgs were

esp true if you were on a low or a mid pop server before the battlegroups got merged, you simply had ~2 hour wait times for 19s compared to a 20 minute for 39s

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