naw not worth it
most of gfd gear is gone(wingblade/armor pieces)
very difficult to get agms
As for other replies, a lvl 10 twink just wont "own" a lvl 30, unless they are a naked lock or something
too much abilities now, and stat scaling is alittle different in mop/cata
on the other note, 10 /12 twinks are a lie man, unless you were some late wrath child who just came to the game,
you got to understand at lvl 10-19 people did not even know what battlegrounds were, at 30-39 is when people actually knew what bgs were
esp true if you were on a low or a mid pop server before the battlegroups got merged, you simply had ~2 hour wait times for 19s compared to a 20 minute for 39s