[10s] Grandfathered Item List

Amazing work Maeive!

i coulden't help but notice the Engineer's hammer both links seems to direct to the cata one even if the url says the current wowhead

other than that awesome find! i had no clue you could even get many of theese items at 10 as im currently working on one of my own thank you!
Amazing work Maeive!

i coulden't help but notice the Engineer's hammer both links seems to direct to the cata one even if the url says the current wowhead

other than that awesome find! i had no clue you could even get many of theese items at 10 as im currently working on one of my own thank you!
thanks for that, should be fixed now!

i spent a lovely afternoon very stonkle farming timbermaw rep + creating this sheet between, so im not surprised some of my chaotic re-linking made it thru
For those non-existent item with quest ID, what would be the way to obtain? Should we accept the quest but complete after CATA is launched?
Looking at this wrist piece https://cata.cavernoftime.com/quest=256. It seems to be the same quest ID with Minor channeling ring.

I'm unsure about that particular quest, i believe it was only available in cata pre-shattering. I do remember seeing a particularly well-known hunter rocking both the channeling ring AND bounty bracers so i would assume its possible to gather both.

Quests like centaur bracers can be accepted and the bracers gathered beforehand to complete once cata goes live fingers crossed

With the factof classic servers loading from the last patch, we can't really say for certain these items would be obtainable but i think its safe to assume most will show up because of the shattering event.
Also, it's worth mentioning to craft as many Gemmed Copper Gauntlets now as they give stats (of the bear for example). Once Cata drops they will simply give crit when crafted. Those become BiS for Warriors later on.
This was actually only applicable to gauntlets made pre-wrath. They currently don't give stats if made in classic, i just happened to fall into someone who had 2 unbound pairs from vanilla/tbc.

That said, neither of these pairs of gloves i have actually give the stats they show ingame. I've made tickets, bug reports and the works to no avail.
This was actually only applicable to gauntlets made pre-wrath. They currently don't give stats if made in classic, i just happened to fall into someone who had 2 unbound pairs from vanilla/tbc.

That said, neither of these pairs of gloves i have actually give the stats they show ingame. I've made tickets, bug reports and the works to no avail.
That's truuue it dates from even older than cata! What a shame!
Updated a few things on the list, with cata beta on route + wowhead's cata db slowly catching up i felt it appropriate at this stage to also add notable goblin and worgen quest rewards that are considered BiS for us! also added a darkshore(?) questline's rewards in cuz even tho not grandfathered i'd forgotten they existed and wanted to make note of them lol ur welcome x

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