10man Team.

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What's an ideal 10man team these days. Based on the usual premade rules. What's the setup that would be used? (hope this doesn't turn into a troll thread, I wanna see responses)
Idk for sure. But this is my best guess... Also you can make your A team what you want. There is a layout but you can always mix it up.

D - Warr (prot) Mage (frost) Pally (Holy) Priest (Holy / Disc) Shaman (Ele)

O - Hunter (Surv) Hunter or Rogue (Surv / Sub) Mage (Arc) Rogue (Sub) Priest or Pally (Holy)

Hope this helps!
its a toss up to be honest, depends on what you are trying to accomplish/ what the other team has to offer. id work on getting 10 first then go from there.
some guilds roll with 1 warrior some with 2, other's have druid's Fcing, some dont have any shamans, some roll with no mage's. there is no set premade team.
Idk for sure. But this is my best guess... Also you can make your A team what you want. There is a layout but you can always mix it up.

D - Warr (prot) Mage (frost) Pally (Holy) Priest (Holy / Disc) Shaman (Ele)

O - Hunter (Surv) Hunter or Rogue (Surv / Sub) Mage (Arc) Rogue (Sub) Priest or Pally (Holy)

Hope this helps!

"Not viable" - Pizza

I've done some thinking, this is what I have come up with. It's a poor choice to plan to have 0 CC on efc and it is a poor choice to have 0 DPS on D. There are probably a few problems, lack of heals on O for one and lack of a strong DPS on D. However if you tried this set up and the O priest knew what he was doing, and the defending DPS knew what he was doing, I don't see why this team would be too terrible, strong O, CC both ends, strong D.

O-, Ele Sham, Surv Hunter, Surv Hunter, Rogue, Disc/Holy Priest

Possible Alternatives:

Frost Mage, Fury Warr, Rogue, Boomkin, Holy Pally

D- Frost Mage, Holy Pally FC, Arcane Mage, Holy Pally, Holy Priest,

Possible Alternatives:

Ele Sham, Fury Warr FC, Surv Hunter

If there is 1 hunter on O, a hunter on D would be useful

Ele Sham is there for totem drops and purge, (Interrupt?)

Fury Warr FC would only be used if you have a Pally on O and one on D


Everyone on offense will have at least 1 cc/interrupt

Every DPS on offense will put out high dps and have high survivability

Defensive team should have enough heals (recommended 3)

Defensive team may be weak on DPS, it would be up to the mages to be very smart with CC and to take down the incoming offense

Edit: Haven't even considered what a premading team would look like in a bout 2 years, this is just my guess since I have been on and off in 19s for a few years
I've done some thinking, this is what I have come up with. It's a poor choice to plan to have 0 CC on efc and it is a poor choice to have 0 DPS on D. There are probably a few problems, lack of heals on O for one and lack of a strong DPS on D. However if you tried this set up and the O priest knew what he was doing, and the defending DPS knew what he was doing, I don't see why this team would be too terrible, strong O, CC both ends, strong D.

O-, Ele Sham, Surv Hunter, Surv Hunter, Rogue, Disc/Holy Priest

Possible Alternatives:

Frost Mage, Fury Warr, Rogue, Boomkin, Holy Pally

D- Frost Mage, Holy Pally FC, Arcane Mage, Holy Pally, Disc Priest,

Possible Alternatives:

Ele Sham, Fury Warr FC, Surv Hunter

If there is 1 hunter on O, a hunter on D would be useful

Ele Sham is there for totem drops and purge, (Interrupt?)

Fury Warr FC would only be used if you have a Pally on O and one on D


Everyone on offense will have at least 1 cc/interrupt

Every DPS on offense will put out high dps and have high survivability

Defensive team should have enough heals (recommended 3)

Defensive team may be weak on DPS, it would be up to the mages to be very smart with CC and to take down the incoming offense

Edit: Haven't even considered what a premading team would look like in a bout 2 years, this is just my guess since I have been on and off in 19s for a few years

Holy>disc in almost all situations IMO, especially on D
Seems to be some disparity about priest spec.

I've tried both holy and disc, to me it feels that disc is more powerful. Penance is only a 15s CD and can both damage or heal, while Chastise is on a 30s CD and only effects an enemy target. Disc also gives you 15% additional intellect (more SP/mana) while holy gives +15% healing

With talents..

Disc gives you a better PW:S, and 6% spell dmg/healing

Holy gives 10% to renew and 15% to flash heal/heal. Desperate prayer is probably one of the more beneficial incentives for going holy.

I'm not the authority on priests, these are just how I see things and my opinion.
Seems to be some disparity about priest spec.

I've tried both holy and disc, to me it feels that disc is more powerful. Penance is only a 15s CD and can both damage or heal, while Chastise is on a 30s CD and only effects an enemy target. Disc also gives you 15% additional intellect (more SP/mana) while holy gives +15% healing

With talents..

Disc gives you a better PW:S, and 6% spell dmg/healing

Holy gives 10% to renew and 15% to flash heal/heal. Desperate prayer is probably one of the more beneficial incentives for going holy.

I'm not the authority on priests, these are just how I see things and my opinion.
I stopped reading after you screwed up both penance and chastise cds
There is no ideal setup
I've done some thinking, this is what I have come up with. It's a poor choice to plan to have 0 CC on efc and it is a poor choice to have 0 DPS on D. There are probably a few problems, lack of heals on O for one and lack of a strong DPS on D. However if you tried this set up and the O priest knew what he was doing, and the defending DPS knew what he was doing, I don't see why this team would be too terrible, strong O, CC both ends, strong D.

O-, Ele Sham, Surv Hunter, Surv Hunter, Rogue, Disc/Holy Priest

Possible Alternatives:

Frost Mage, Fury Warr, Rogue, Boomkin, Holy Pally

D- Frost Mage, Holy Pally FC, Arcane Mage, Holy Pally, Holy Priest,

Possible Alternatives:

Ele Sham, Fury Warr FC, Surv Hunter

If there is 1 hunter on O, a hunter on D would be useful

Ele Sham is there for totem drops and purge, (Interrupt?)

Fury Warr FC would only be used if you have a Pally on O and one on D


Everyone on offense will have at least 1 cc/interrupt

Every DPS on offense will put out high dps and have high survivability

Defensive team should have enough heals (recommended 3)

Defensive team may be weak on DPS, it would be up to the mages to be very smart with CC and to take down the incoming offense

Edit: Haven't even considered what a premading team would look like in a bout 2 years, this is just my guess since I have been on and off in 19s for a few years
didnt even read this but im sure its retarded
Haven't done a premade in a long time, but wouldn't the kiting defense be out now that they f'd up the terrain in WSG (regarding the GY)?
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