EU+US 101 Legendary Discussion


I apologize in advance if there is already a thread for this. Mods, I wont be hurt if you kill this thread and/or point ppl to that one.

That being said, lets talk legendary!

I'm pretty sure you all know that with 7.2 came the ability for 101's to both obtain, and equip the 940 legendary items. Now, the questions flow:

1.) Which one is best for your toon (spec/ST/AoE).
2.) What are the best / any known ways to farm these drops? Chests, WBoss kills, dungeons?
3.) When you have more than one legendary, is it best to go for the gear-set with the highest iLvl, or do the different bonuses make a HUGE difference?

I'm sure some of you have more questions, or maybe you just want to share when you get yours to drop.

Also, keep in mind, as soon as the Broken Shores tower gets built, people will be crafting legendary items and placing them on the AH. So, hang in there you can get one!
Right now it's impossible to get legendarys from wboss since it's bugged. Assuming they wont be dropping from dungeons atm either.
the legendary craftables will be ILVL 910. There is an item that will upgrade it to 940. We it change its lvl to 110 once we use it?
How sure are you about the 910? I know that wowhead says 910, but it says that about all the legendary items. Ever since 7.1.5, the legendary's that drop have been 940.
No. The legendarys that are crafted are 940, not 910. Those items to upgrade it are for people who have the old 910 legendaries.
1.) Which one is best for your toon (spec/ST/AoE).
The crafted ones are BiS for overall performance if this slot doesn't have an 835+ item. 3 extra sockets are good and the bonus doesn't need a special type of playstyle. For everything else ... we don't know yet.

2.) What are the best / any known ways to farm these drops? Chests, WBoss kills, dungeons?
Sources we know as of right now: World Bosses (but bugged atm and don't give any loot), Treasure Chests, Blingtron 6000. So do all the treasure chests in legion. Blingtron 6k every day and the world boss weekly.

3.) When you have more than one legendary, is it best to go for the gear-set with the highest iLvl, or do the different bonuses make a HUGE difference?
I will definitely use more sets depending on the legendary. For example my arcane mage:
Gravity: Okay for longer boss fights where I run into mana problems.
Celumbra: Great for farming.
Rhonin: Crap.
Kilt: Better than Gravity.
Shard: Could be good to increase the burst phase.
Kil'Jaeden: Crap atm because the on use doesn't work. Otherwise best for short Burst.
Prydaz: Crap.
Belo'vir: Great for defence.
Cord: Seems to be meh.
Norgannon: Maybe okay-ish for some situations with Rune of Power.
Sephuz: Awesome for old content and world pvp. My #1 which I really want.

But this is all only from "my feelings" and not from simcraft or anything.

So if I had the choice ... Shoulders, Chest, Trinket and ofc Sephuz would be the ones that I'm looking forward too.
MyPerfection, that's exactly the kind of answer I was hoping to get. This is a great new thing for us twinks, as we get a whole new set of tools.
Keep in mind that the Crafted Legendaries are meant to be a placeholder for Characters until they get the proper "BiS" Legendary for their Class/Spec. While they certainly will be superior to Legion BoE's for a 101, they are no where near BiS. However, it'll be vastly easier, and quicker, to obtain a Crafted Legendary for any of our 101's than it will be to get lucky enough to ever even see our BiS Legendary drop.
Not sure if anyone mentioned this anywhere else, but I'm going to go try to farm the rares on Broken Shores for the legendary drop chances.
I'll keep you informed.
Not sure if anyone mentioned this anywhere else, but I'm going to go try to farm the rares on Broken Shores for the legendary drop chances.
I'll keep you informed.
Tried on both a 99 and 101, neither received any loot, not even Nethershards. However, I wasn't in one of the Shard farming parties with a group of well geared 110's (which I know for fact lower than 110 can get loot) so it may still be possible.
Was this a true Rare, or was it one of the Tag-Limited Sentinax spawns?
2 seperate Named Rares no where near the Sentinax, the ones that show up on your Map.

EDIT: I've now killed 3 total Rares on my 101 DK, no loot. None were near the Sentinax.
Hmm.. When I got there yesterday, the map bugged out, and I could no longer see the Rares on the map. When I ran around, I got ganked by Horde (PvP server). So, I thought I'd try again later. After hearing this though, maybe I wont.
unfortunately i know nothing of twinking but i am in need of a twink on mal'ganis US for some power lvling
@Changzu is one of the highest DPS 101's we have, not sure if he does Dungeon Power Leveling though. If he does, it'll be super fast though.

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