10 v 10 underpowered premade

You say this but most of the premades with good rdruids feature the druids barely sitting in CC's because they can stay so far back. Also I would actually quit this game if I was so awful that I got hit by all of those CCs.

theres no way anyone with decent stam should be getting bursted down if both healers can just spam into it but imo i think a blink pom polly or blink scilence should be enough to shut out the druid for 6 sec or so while somebody gets bursted .

anyways i want this to be a kindah slower paced game where planning cc is necisary in order to get a kill not just the standard blam blam pew pew kindah premades you would normally find.
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I think combat may be a bit too strong when put up against other underdog specs, especially subterfuge combat. Ambush + Ambush + Revealing Strike + 5 combo evisc is deadly.
eh any mage blinks after the first one and as soon as your outa stealth your stuck. i doupt a rogue will be able to solo anyone if healers are paying atention but iff his burst is combined with other then he can probably get a kill but as soon as hes outa stealth hes just stuck for days and proabably wont get a restealth untill hes either dead. smelded. or ran a mile away with all the dots and casters present.

i think they provide a valiad trade off for the burst capabilitys a frost mage brings and the damage and mobility a demo does.
Combat..no poisons how bout dat?
that would definately be an easily monitored change if they are just too strong and ill keep it in mind

. but i think they will be just fine. people under estimate the effect of adding a frost mage to 2 fire mages. or the damage of a demo lock. and i think they kindah balance each other out.
Something else to keep in mind - you can enforce a "no body rezzing" policy to prevent some of the stalemate mids that occur in slower paced brackets (or in games specially made with classes that don't burst).

That might make dying a little bit more consequential.
This premade was made for me!

I sing up 2 of my main characters:

Peeppee - Enhancement Shaman - Thorium Brotherhood - Ally
Peeppee - Feral Druid (as healer, no dmg beside Moonfire and Wrath) - AP - Ally

ehh feral druid is probably a no go but ur enhance is always fine :p
Something else to keep in mind - you can enforce a "no body rezzing" policy to prevent some of the stalemate mids that occur in slower paced brackets (or in games specially made with classes that don't burst).

That might make dying a little bit more consequential.

yep that a good idea. for sure.
haha i get back on the 19th of august so i mean if there are enough ppl that are interested now and want to do it i mean i won't say "no u can't do this fun idea without the num 1 fluffy druid / male stripper aflic lock. " but like yeah i intend to participate once i get back. ( we could do it that weekend)
Fun idea, but f2p premades are already slow paced and rely on cc with more regular dps. Even if u have the main healers cc'd for 35 secs the dps prob wouldn't even be there because of the time and resources its taking from your main dps classes. This could be something fun, but i don't think in any way is it necessary. Maybe think about giving each team a ele sham or something to use as a burst class IMO
Fun idea, but f2p premades are already slow paced and rely on cc with more regular dps. Even if u have the main healers cc'd for 35 secs the dps prob wouldn't even be there because of the time and resources its taking from your main dps classes. This could be something fun, but i don't think in any way is it necessary. Maybe think about giving each team a ele sham or something to use as a burst class IMO
i really think it will be something we will just have to test out. having only two healers as opposed to the usual 4 or 3 might be enough . if it isn't enough and the entire first game ends up being a unending mid fight (as fun as i think that would be) we can always limit the number of healers further. or restrict the healer specs some.

i could show up on my frost mage, could play fire also i guess (AP ally)

cool good to know . ( i might start up a sign up page to gauge interest in this after i get back from puerto rico. I'm going on a mission trip the the land of the jaja's in order to convert them to the religion of twinkinfoism for the glory of our lord and savior wowhead.) jokes aside. i would say we can discuss rules/ideas in this thread and then when it gets closer to when i get back/ or the week before if we have enough interest ill start up a thread for sign ups and what not. )
Talking about up premades, I just remembered we had a nice one a few months ago, like 8 man from many diff servers.. Only 2 wsg were played that day cause we all agreeded that after beating a 24 premade it was the right time to stop with that warm feeling in our hearts. I probably have a pic of that match and will post it when I get back from vacations.
Fun idea, but f2p premades are already slow paced and rely on cc with more regular dps. Even if u have the main healers cc'd for 35 secs the dps prob wouldn't even be there because of the time and resources its taking from your main dps classes. This could be something fun, but i don't think in any way is it necessary. Maybe think about giving each team a ele sham or something to use as a burst class IMO

one enh shaman can lock down heals for a while especially if it's a druid or a priest healing.

purge is so powerful at this bracket but its overshadowed by how rogues and hunters can kill healers regardless of heals

I don't think its going to be a problem downing 2 healers with these underplayed specs

enh shamans are probably going to be extremely strong(bordering op) if we do this because they can simply purge fire mage procs off, kite with ghost wolf and spells, and even heal
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one enh shaman can lock down heals for a while especially if it's a druid or a priest healing.

purge is so powerful at this bracket but its overshadowed by how rogues and hunters can kill healers regardless of heals

I don't think its going to be a problem downing 2 healers with these underplayed specs

enh shamans are probably going to be extremely strong(bordering op) if we do this because they can simply purge fire mage procs off, kite with ghost wolf and spells, and even heal

i updated the rules a little bit and yes enhance shamans are going to be really shine but i think in this environment ever class will have a chance too . furry warrior will probably be the go to tank for the defensive stance damage reduce.

enhance shamans will be extremely busy shearing casters. purging hots and shields and procs and cleansing curse of enfeeblement off healers and other dps.

shadow priests will most likely be kings of fear cc. and will be great to combo with enhance shamans and furry warriors for that mind flay slow.

fire mages have sheep , 8 sec root, very nice burst if your are able to set it up (not so much burst now so its doable especially with a frost mage) and even counter spell as well.

aflic locks have unstable afliction for cleanse counter and fear and demons for disarm and burst with insta summons and pretty decent damage over all. and curse of enfeeblement

all of these classes counter each other in a way if the players are skillful and i think it will be a really awesome game to watch and play in

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