10 v 10 underpowered premade


Updated rules
Do you have a enhance shaman/fury warrior you havent touched in ages? is pugging as a fire mage giving you suicidal tendencies ? Well billy mays here with the new and improved 10 v 10 . (insert sales pitch) i was also day dreaming about this http://www.twitch.tv/gladiatorauve/c/4217991 game

anyways ill be back in under a month and im looking to play some of my favorite class spec combos . I guess here are the rules i have so far. if you have any ides feel free to voice them . this will probably go down in a few weeks if i had to give a time line so hey i guess you have time to gear that enh shammie.

so dees are the rules ive got so far.

ACCEPTABLE DPS: - unlimited
enh shamman
fury warrior
aflic lock
fire mage
shadow preist

Strong dps: - ( u can only have 2 and no doubles)
frost mage
demo lock
Ret pally
a buncha ppl were concerned about the rogue so I'm just going to not going to worry about one. I also moved ret pally into the limited dps .

Limit 2 speced healers
resto druid (no double druid)
r shaman
disc/holy priest

no tank specs for fcing (subject to change)

the limit of 2 healers is so that we actually have things drop it also encourages spot healing from the dps classes. (cc/healer spriest) u get the idea.

im thinking for fcs you could have a super bulky enh shaman or fury warrior or ret pally and be fine.

standard consumables rules.

feel free to coment with any ideas to better this or if you would be interested in joining
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ret pally heals
yeah i was kindah trying to encourage that by limiting speced heals to two .

i figure the best thing would be to have a rdruid and maybey a hpally rshaman (should make a note in op about no double druid heals) and just have the spreists toss bubbles on cd while ret pally spots big heals. i definately think it would be funn to see what kindah combos ppl come up with. and having limited heals it would encourage spot heals and more hybrid gameplay from ppl
Screw Restodruids. Go Dualsupporter-Heal
Restoshaman + Holypala without Denounce (and no Bubble if other team is lacking dps).
Screw Restodruids. Go Dualsupporter-Heal
Restoshaman + Holypala without Denounce (and no Bubble if other team is lacking dps).
The goal is to have slower paced mid fights that really promote cc i mean u have one mage interupt druid and then polly the other healer . followed by fears i really think there will be enough cc that having a druid wouldnt be to bad . would also give enhance shamans another thing to purge. it may end up being best to have a rshaman and a hpally so any healer can clense the other . for cc prevention. I just dont want to over regulate which combos can be done as i would like to have more than one premade happen where other combos can be tried u know ?
Don't forget Demo warlocks!

This is a good idea. I'd definitely be down to give it a go on a healer or DPS.
Ret pally healer incoming.

Now I can finally use that toon, being as it gets stomped on in PuGs....<.<
updated the class limitation rules a little bit. im looking at the possibility of having one frost mage one demo lock or one combat rogue allowed on a team.

Having the frost mage would raise the skill cap of that team a lot by allowing more shatter burst. rogue would be heavy damage but easily cd after it opens and also would give healer cc options with sheep into sap or fear into sap . demo lock is just kindah a balance with some aoe slows and pretty strong damage and really good mobility.
^thoughts ?
updated the class limitation rules a little bit. im looking at the possibility of having one frost mage one demo lock or one combat rogue allowed on a team.

Having the frost mage would raise the skill cap of that team a lot by allowing more shatter burst. rogue would be heavy damage but easily cd after it opens and also would give healer cc options with sheep into sap or fear into sap . demo lock is just kindah a balance with some aoe slows and pretty strong damage and really good mobility.
^thoughts ?

inb4 one resto druid keeps everyone up
inb4 one resto druid keeps everyone up
scilence , fear , fear , fear , sheep , sheep , sheep ,fear fear fear, sap sap sap, stun, sheep fear.

i really think we will have enough cc to keep the druid contained. i mean if a team chooses to just sit on non healer targets and dps it clearly wont go as well as somebody pom sheeping the druid soon as hes caster form. i actualy think a shaman hpally with spirit gear duo would be better for dual clenses. for all the sheeps and fears. also enh shaman for purges on kill targets. im not worried about a single resto druid.

im sure [MENTION=16866]Izac[/MENTION] would gladdly cc a resto druid till it cries on a spreist
combat rogues are death to anything remotely squishy. 450+ attack power with crit stacking gear= 1 shot ambushes. i agree it would be okay to only have 1 though.

Hmm... I'd love to play enh or fire mage, my ret is too strong for an UP premade.
combat rogues are death to anything remotely squishy. 450+ attack power with crit stacking gear= 1 shot ambushes. i agree it would be okay to only have 1 though.

Hmm... I'd love to play enh or fire mage, my ret is too strong for an UP premade.
i doupt a ret would be two strong. your so vulnerable to roots and as soon as you come in for some meles a fire mage will probably nova you then you got like 6 pyro blast crits inc. ret would also be a fun fc.
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Sign me up , gnome affliction warlock on the way. :) lenydarkills on sig :), would be a cool vid since a friend wanted me to upload an aff vid for youtube, yet i rarely play my lock , mutch love, Lenny!!!!
sounds good . and i agree it can be very annoying playing affliction in high burst situations but in this premade i really think they will have a chance to shine with being able to dot everything and i wouldnt be suprised to see one on the top of dps
scilence , fear , fear , fear , sheep , sheep , sheep ,fear fear fear, sap sap sap, stun, sheep fear.

i really think we will have enough cc to keep the druid contained. i mean if a team chooses to just sit on non healer targets and dps it clearly wont go as well as somebody pom sheeping the druid soon as hes caster form. i actualy think a shaman hpally with spirit gear duo would be better for dual clenses. for all the sheeps and fears. also enh shaman for purges on kill targets. im not worried about a single resto druid.

im sure [MENTION=16866]Izac[/MENTION] would gladdly cc a resto druid till it cries on a spreist

You say this but most of the premades with good rdruids feature the druids barely sitting in CC's because they can stay so far back. Also I would actually quit this game if I was so awful that I got hit by all of those CCs.
I think combat may be a bit too strong when put up against other underdog specs, especially subterfuge combat. Ambush + Ambush + Revealing Strike + 5 combo evisc is deadly.

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