10 solo class

okey so i got a druid lvl 10 now and i wwanna get tank gear for him. then i was wondering what wep is best should i use the 2h mace or should i use the pvp dagger that gives 2 stam and 1 agi with a medecin pouch?
First off, if you are planning on PvE soling, go resto then if you are doing a druid. You get a very nice instant cast and aoe heal that increases your survivability significantly more than the feral's Dps increase from Tiger's Fury (Not sure if that's the actual name) or the Guardian's temporary dodge increase. Not to mention the fact that resto also increases your mana pool by 400% so you'll be able to last those extra few minutes against mobs and bosses that you wouldn't be able to have in any of the other specs. Survivability >>> dps. If not soling go Guardian just because then you shouldn't have to worry bout heals. Now for the question on gearing. I recommend if you are doing a non elite lvl 1-35/40 really, you should just use the Lava Dredger. Past that use the 1h Dps Mace with the medicine pouch. If you are fighting elites lvl 1-25/30 that don't deal massive bursts of damage, use the Lava Dredger. If the elites can dish out more than 300-500 damage, regardless of their level, use the medicine pouch andeither the 1h Dps Mace or the Sharpened Scarlet Kris (depends on whether or not you will be constantly having to switch in and out of cat form to heal use dag if you are, mace if you aren't)
if you are not based on self heal and if you are fighting vs high level enemies... 2h (haste) is not very useful because you wont burn your energy quick (missed, parried, dodged attacks). You can think of using 40 hit rating from BS on weapon (bug) to not miss.

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