10 fury warrior.


EU Swine
So recently I've been thinking alot about interesting classes to twink in lvl 10.
The one class that seem to have stuck is warrior, fury warrior to be excact.

Therefor I made a chardev of what I would think off as the most viable setup for a faction-changed 10 fury warrior:

chardev 9

Does this look good? :) Feedback please. Are lvl 10 fury warriors good?
they hit like a mother fu**er lol
Helm of Might.

Expertise is your friend.

edit: BTW the helm gives 22 fucking expertise points :D

Or keep the valor helm and make a set with might helm & 5 hit on boots for unavoidable damage (except on rogues, FCs, etc). Switch to dwarf for +3 more expertise so you are very near soft cap.
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Helm of Might.

Expertise is your friend.

edit: BTW the helm gives 22 fucking expertise points :D

Or keep the valor helm and make a set with might helm & 5 hit on boots for unavoidable damage (except on rogues, FCs, etc). Switch to dwarf for +3 more expertise so you are very near soft cap.

Ok. But I wont change race as Nelfs got combat charge every 2 min.
in MoP that won't matter (lul chargespam), but 3 expertise points aren't a big deal anyways.
However also shadowmeld mixed with the extremely quick health regen of being out of combat, it can heal you up to full in a matter of seconds
Yea, I am going Nelf. And if any other race becomes better in MoP I just change :)

Ty for the input guys!
Imo any class that can use goblin gear blue quest rewards, should start as goblin, since the gear is such an improvement :), but this is imo BIS if you dont take goblin. :)
#1 Chardev :3

Hit on boots, so now you're WHITE HIT CAPD which is very very important as fury warrior, since your white hits is so much of your damage, and capping it will make you alot better.
Also new helm, for some expertise which you WILL appreciate!
New mainhaind for obvious reasons :)
New legs 2sta 2str > 3str imo.
I put 100 hp to your chest, to make up for the hp lost when i removed it from feet for the hit enchant :)

Have fun toring, anything that is stupid to stay close enough to you, apart!
Thanks. Tho Misshapen Boots - Item - World of Warcraft is a reward from a lvl 10 quest with prerequisites being lvl 14 :/

Edit: Due to some of the items I earlier wanted is not avaiable for lvl 10, I am instead making a 14 prot warrior. I am sorry for those of you who has helped me out with lvl 10 chardevs etc. I have now came up with this chardev for 14 prot warrior: chardev 9
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Just in case you decide to make a 10 fury war, here's the chardev you "should" use.

chardev 9

Stuff you didn't have but Probably needed:
-BoE bracers might be hard to find, but better either way.
-Minor speed is key, if you can't keep up with someone, how are you going to kill them?
-Resil at 10 is the one Must have stat, it reduces damage significantly.
-Imo, well crafted sword for the extra str, and dmg

Also, you can't put 24 armor on lvl 14 gear
Just in case you decide to make a 10 fury war, here's the chardev you "should" use.

chardev 9

Stuff you didn't have but Probably needed:
-BoE bracers might be hard to find, but better either way.
-Minor speed is key, if you can't keep up with someone, how are you going to kill them?
-Resil at 10 is the one Must have stat, it reduces damage significantly.
-Imo, well crafted sword for the extra str, and dmg

Also, you can't put 24 armor on lvl 14 gear

Ty, I might make a 10 fury warrior later in the future (perhaps mop) :)

I know I can't place Heavy Armor Kit - Item - World of Warcraft on ilvl under 15. Did I do that somewhere? o_O

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