10-14 Warsong Gulch Night [US] 17th march Saturday!

I was in 2. We won the 1st and lost the 2nd.

Ally won 3 games overall - horde 1.

No FC on horde hurt a lot. But in the end it did not matter; we all had a fantastic time.

I got a funny screenie of our win - Heals - about to go for the cap -

hahaha that's awesome! please post it
I was in a game on my undergeared hunter Håhå and still had a good time. :)

glad you came! enjoy your time in this bracket
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I was in that 4th game. Sorry my internet craped out. I do plan on doing up a FCr for horde. I mainly FC on my rogues when i do alliance and have great success. Still deciding either to make another horde rogue FC or go with healadin Fc and put my +5 blocking shield to use :cool:.
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ye my ninja return with 1 second left in the game lol
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It was alot of fun guys. Got to dust off some of my old 10's and take them for a joy ride. At one point in the second game I was fighting another rogue after killing a druid in Ally flag room. I had a sliver of health, we danced for a good minute just dodging eachother until I ran out of health. Now that's real PvP.

Slippery lvl 10 Rogue - Zul'jin
Noxíum @ Dalaran - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

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