10-14 Warsong Gulch Night [US] 17th march Saturday!

10pm medivh server time as always

lets get as many people as possible involved! set as Guild Motd, set a phone alarm! tell your friends on real ID. i am making this 2 weeks in advance in order to allow for people to share the word!

remember on the night to use "http://49pvp.com/qlist/"

make sure to solo queue to avoid random group sizes that prevent 10 making it in. i hope to see you all there!

cannot wait guys!!
I will defintely be there on Caitiecat im not sure if any hogger guildies will be with me though.
Guess I might resub for that ^^

should i?

I don't know hehe. But MoP is really bringing me some high expectation, ESPECIALLY for the level 10s. So i'm seriously about coming back to WoW for that reason
Everyone's problem at one timein their life.
Yay! I've missed playing my level 10. I will be there and will try to remind my friends! -Lilkekki from BON

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