10-14 Hat tip

I posted this in a thread earlier but the thread was closed.

There have been many MVP's over time. The sad thing is that retention in the 10-14 bracket has not been super high since the split to 15-19 and 10-14. I, myself took a break from P2P for several months this past summer and have come back to a lively bracket with some wonderful leaders pushing for things such as WSG XP off, dungeon challenges, toons downing 90's, and continued WPVP. It is from the continued support of each other that we grow and create a niche which is rather unlike any other bracket in the game. Kudos goes to all who continue to raise the bar both in posting quality threads and showing support for the 10-14 community.
level 10 boring now stats ruined in bgs
Intelligent explanation please....

Gear stacking to 54.49% resilience along with decent sets will allow you to enjoy the bgs. Unfortunately we have very few times to actually test our gear and make informed changes to our sets.
If only Blizzard would give us our old skills back it would be alot better then pushing the amount of buttons we now have. It is the same with 19s due to xpacs. Every xpac it became a shorter experience to level and they just reduced the skills 2 to master and match that. People said to us in he past we just pressed 1 button as twinks but now its like 1/3 of a button if you get what i mean :(

Good luck there @ US and I actually thought you had a tip about a hat when i read the topic title ;)
I posted this in a thread earlier but the thread was closed.

There have been many MVP's over time. The sad thing is that retention in the 10-14 bracket has not been super high since the split to 15-19 and 10-14. I, myself took a break from P2P for several months this past summer and have come back to a lively bracket with some wonderful leaders pushing for things such as WSG XP off, dungeon challenges, toons downing 90's, and continued WPVP. It is from the continued support of each other that we grow and create a niche which is rather unlike any other bracket in the game. Kudos goes to all who continue to raise the bar both in posting quality threads and showing support for the 10-14 community.

I am new to the bracket and do not know how much pull I would have around here, but I would love to help in getting some XP off BGs going or even getting all of us 10s onto the same server and doing some world PvP! Let me know if you would like some help in setting things up!
I am also very new to the 10 twink community. I am willing to help with premades, wargames, and wpvp. Not sure if any of you know me but I am shield the under geared pally and lvltén the hunter.
I am also very new to the 10 twink community. I am willing to help with premades, wargames, and wpvp. Not sure if any of you know me but I am shield the under geared pally and lvltén the hunter.

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