10.0 Predictions/Discussion

They realise that WM & Chromie literally killed any interaction between levellers and they fix the phasing such that we can see others in different Chromie time.
It’s been great for those having access to Chromie time…… but terrible from an interaction perspective.

I'm pretty sure that phasing is separated into 4 phases - Non-Chromie time, Non-Chromie Time (WM), and Chromie Time, Chromie Time(WM). Archvaldor uses these phases to do some pretty quick daily leveling - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QP3xhl4Rg0&t=1s
dont have predictions, but would be sick if they allowed ftp to go up to 30 or even 25...highly unlikely, but will see.
My wishlist:
  • New class
  • New spec(s) for existing classes (give me a healy time-mage)
  • Demonology warlocks get metamorphosis back
  • Moonkin form
My expectations:
  • Expansion will be bad - Edit: In light of recent updates, I'm optimistic about being correct here
  • Blizzard will hurt 20s by forcing Vet/F2P twinks into a separate PVP queue without levelers. The crusader fixes have me rattled
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Need to add a few 'wishes'
1. O G R E S. They'll only be 19 years late. It's time.
Would love some new Race/Class combos, but... meh. Just OGRES is good enough.
2. The Garrison mission gear tokens would drop at toon level, not lvl 40. They can warforge, proc tert's & gem slots & would be outstanding for filling in gear slots.
3. All 6 of the BfA zones open to us at 20, & MOTHERLODE!, Temple of Sethrallis, Tol Dagor, Shrine of the Storm, Wayvrest Manor & Underrot all que-able or at least lvl 20 so we can enter in a party.
4. for this xPac to somehow be at least as good as MoP & not suck as abysmally as the last 2 pathetic cock-up form Blizz.
5. For us to be able to print our own T-shirt on the Free T-Shirt Day mini-holiday from any peice of Chest gear ( lol )
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2. Ion releasing a dev insight video claiming "we learned from our mistakes, and will listen to the community in the next expansion." COPIUM


Got you covered homie
...wait, wrong expac.
"character gear has almost no impact in pvp"
-Ion Hazzikostas (Lead Game Director and Lead Designer)
How to Train your Drakthir (Drac'thyr?)

Well, I got my new class wish. Too bad we can't twink it at 20. :SadgeW:
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edit: Off the top of my head, I'd say the talent tree changes are huge. And the level 70 cap makes it even LESS likely that 20s will see much (if any) of SL content.
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edit: Off the top of my head, I'd say the talent tree changes are huge. And the level 70 cap makes it even LESS likely that 20s will see much (if any) of SL content.

Yeah, I think it's cool, as long as every class gets meaningful choices up to lvl 20 tho
My wishlist:
  • New class
  • New spec(s) for existing classes (give me a healy time-mage)
  • Demonology warlocks get metamorphosis back
  • Moonkin form
My expectations:
  • Expansion will be bad - Edit: In light of recent updates, I'm optimistic about being correct here
  • Blizzard will hurt 20s by forcing Vet/F2P twinks into a separate PVP queue without levelers. The crusader fixes have me rattled

Imagine being mad over Blizzard fixing their game kek.
The only way they'll potentially 'hurt' 20s at this point is by changing the f2p cap. NOT happening x)
And if you've really been watching the past 5 years(Legion 7.1.somewhere) 20s have just been given new stuff every 2nd patch ish.
No need to be worried.

Imagine being mad over Blizzard fixing their game kek.
The only way they'll potentially 'hurt' 20s at this point is by changing the f2p cap. NOT happening x)
And if you've really been watching the past 5 years(Legion 7.1.somewhere) 20s have just been given new stuff every 2nd patch ish.
No need to be worried.

Wait, I don't get it. Am I the mad one?

Let's say they fix the XP-on exploit. The hurt that I'm talking about is longer queue times for 20s lol
Unfortunately Dracthyr start at lvl 58 and it's the only race that can be the new class Evoker. No evoker twinks :<

But the new talent system might mix things up, looking forward to it.

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