
  1. Huntw

    WTS Uldaman BoE EU

    req lvl 30) Energy Cloak 8 armor, 8 int, 11 stam, 11 vers Mostly noice for proc use: 25% mana (but 1 hour CD) + E.Z to get off A.H. tbh
  2. Fugitivo

    WTS 2x Blade of Wizardry ilvl35 req29 (Items located on Ravencrest EU)

    Heres a screenshot of the items, if u wanna buy it, DM me on Discord: Graet#0713
  3. Fugitivo

    WTS ilvl37 (req29) Boes. Items on Ravencrest EU

    WTS Ilvl37 (req29) Boes. items on Ravencrest EU. Ill link the good stuff, feel free to DM me on Discord to buy / trade any of my items. If i don't have the items you wish, just DM me on Discord to let me know the items that you're looking for and ill keep an eye on it. Graet#0713 Thanks...
  4. Fugitivo

    Selling Destiny, Frozen Bands & More :D

    Selling: 1x Destiny Ilvl27 req18 3x Frozen Band Ilvl27 req20 2x Warden Staff Ilvl25 req19 1x Myrmidon's Signet Ilvl26 req17 Items are on Ravencrest EU but i can take the gold on any EU realm. Dm me on Discord to talk about the prices: Graet#0001
  5. WTS Cutthroat's Mantle of the Eagle 7/7 with Resilience of the Scourge (Oce - Arugal)

    WTS Cutthroat's Mantle of the Eagle 7/7 with Resilience of the Scourge (Oce - Arugal) Horde You can message me on here or Discord Blitzzer#3179 ; )
  6. Baelo

    Baelo's Ravencrest EU sale thread. Socket+speed, savant, adaptable

    All items are located on Ravencrest EU (Alliance) Discord MAG#3914 Battletag MAG#22749 Current speed+socket gear: C/O 350k Savant items with socket: Plate chest Plate shoulders Plate head Leather gloves Leather shoulders Cloth head Cloth shoulders Adaptable items with socket: Mail...
  7. WTS Pendulum of Doom + Hotshot Pilot's Gloves EU

    Hi guys, got a PoD and HPG on Mirage Raceway, EU, Alliance. Message me if interested.
  8. Thrun Gaming

    WTS Ilvl 28 Vale Walker's Pendant of the Harmonious w/ Socket

    Wanting to sell this neck. On US, Bleeding Hallow Alliance
  9. WTS [Might of the Scourge] (ap/critt) @Gehennas Horde

    Starting price 6k. Add bnet - Crowdctrl#21286 to make an offer/more info. Best regards.
  10. Gaspedal

    US WTS ILVL 28 Keller’s Girdle Bleeding Hollow

    Craftyfc#1271 or Baccbreaker-BleedingHollow for more info. Down to trade for certain items aswell.:)
  11. [EU] WTS Unearthed Bands of the Monkey, PoD + other twink items

    Hello, I have the following items for sale on Nethergarde Keep EU: --2x Unearthed Bands of the Monkey (+9 stamina enchant included) --1x Pendulum of Doom --1x Quillward Harness (+4 stats enchant included) --1x Flintrock Shoulders --2x Unearthed Bands of the Owl --1x Unearthed Bands of Stamina...
  12. [NA][INCENDIUS]WTS/Trade 39 Gear

    I've got a menagerie of random rares / greens. Cloth 1x Set of perfect shadow wrath greens - Shoulder / Bracer / Boots / Cape / Wand / Dagger Imperfect shadow wrath greens (not sure on exact count - have everything but wand) https://classic.wowhead.com/item=7533/cabalist-cloak Bear 7/6 and 6/7...
  13. WTT-WTS Epic ilvl 32 Hard crawler carapace

    WTT for epic boarhide leggins , pale skinner, feathered headdress or feathered cape Realfloki#2275 EU - Draenor Horde
  14. Sponsor

    US WTB Skullflame Shield (scaled level 8)

    WTB Skullflame Shield scaled to required level 8. Any US server, any faction. Can pay with wow-tokens. DM me or leave a post below!
  15. EU WTS EPICS - Foamspittle - Boulder Pads - The Pacifier and more! All on Ravencrest!

    What am i selling? -> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1x - 1x - 2x - 1x - I am open to offers! - Find me in-game on - FalcoN#23701 -
  16. US Abyssal Leather Leggings...

    know these are rare with high market value... but is there a real market / desire for these beyond collectiblity? looking to sell on BH
  17. WTS Turtle Mounts

    Selling(and farming) frostdeep minnow on Ragnaros-EU @Horde x3k each! Chance for both Sea Turtle and Riding Turtle mounts! Add me on b.net Nordenn#2885 and whisper me anytime im up!
  18. Couple quick questions about this site...

    1. Is there any sub-forum where I can list a bunch of stuff I found on my bank alt, that I'm looking to sell? Or do I have to sort it all and break it into several posts across different brackets? I get why it's good to keep it in relevant brackets, but I'm not usually gonna be posting or...
  19. A few things for sale

    Any interest in these? Only bothering to post rare items. None of the items are scaled, they have their OG level reqs. I am aware of their values, don't mistake my kindness of giving away my Fiery Blaze as ignorance... Specifically the GV and SoaLA won't be dropped much in price. However, the...
  20. Anonym

    EU WTS Rare and GF´ed Items

    Selling some rare and grandfathered items. Keen Machete and Foreman´s Leggings On Defias Brotherhood/The Venture Co Alliance. Shadowhide Mace, Wendigo Collar, Ruby Shades on Aggramar Horde. Primitive Mantle, Lookout´s Tunic, 3x Oggleflint´s Inspirer, 2x Shadowfangs (ilvl 24), 2x Rockhide...