
  1. KPI

    EU+US What class ability do you miss the most? (Professions Count)

  2. Xundii

    29 Rogue Ganking Higher LVLS, Hilarious XD | Ep3

    I'll be putting out content weekly. Make sure you like/sub if want to see more :D http://armory.warmane.com/character/Douchecanoe/Lordaeron/summary (armory link) Still working on my gear and profs. I have to sacrifice BiS to get the hit rating up so I can land shots on the skulls/reds :D Enjoy!
  3. EU 80-89 Community

    Me and Firemaniac noticed during a boost run for our 80 twinks in ICC that the mobs actually hit like trucks now. That made us want to attempt to make a community and eventually a guild för those 80s out there who want to see if a legacy raid group could clear the old WOTLK raids. 80-89 are also...
  4. Samhain

    10-19 Classic Era 19 Twink Priest Guide

    (Classic Era) WoW Version 1.13 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Choosing Your Race III. Gearing & Enchanting IV. Priest Talents I. INTRODUCTION About the Author: I go by the in game name Samhain, I've played in the nineteen bracket from Vanilla all the way...
  5. NostalgiaGuild

    US [A][Wyrmrest Accord] <Nostalgìa> Reroll Legacy Raiding Guild!

    Welcome Players! Nostalgìa is a Legacy Raiding Guild on Wyrmrest Accord that will progress through expansions. We will first be venturing through all of the Classic World of Warcraftraids [60]. We will progress over time to current end game. We hope by the end that we will have a great family...
  6. US Lich King Raiding Dalaran-Alliance

    <JERKS> - <Dalaran-Alliance> is a newly formed +18 legacy guild looking for various classes and specs for WotLK content. We are currently in need of a second tank (Warrior or Paladin), a second healer (Priest or Paladin), and five DPS (Two Ranged and Three Melee). Raid times are likely to be...
  7. EU 80s still a thing?

    Title. Are there still some dedicated 80s around on EU or is the bracket completely dead?
  8. EU [80-Twink] HORDE Argent Dawn EU guild

    <Dawn of the Scourge> newly formed HORDE guild looking for people to do some 80 content (most pve but if you wish we can do pvp too) whisper to either Lightmeat or Crushim for invite or infos. Currently we need everyone.