
  1. 39 wargames

    Trying to make 39 wargames happen more often, we have around 20 people that are playing/interested in playing right now, but wanna see how many people we can get for arena/battleground wargames. Code for battle net community is K9kPwnRiL3V if interested. Battletag is New#13976 We just use BoE...
  2. Warlord Daboo

    The International Wargame League (IWL) !! 19s Wargame Tournament!

    The International Wargame League (IWL) is a 2 phase Wargame Season. The season will start with Team v Team regular season, playoffs, and championship, followed by 8 weeks of Weekly Draft games! Visit https://theiwl.wixsite.com/site for more info! Message me on XPoff, discord (Daboo#6079) or on...
  3. Warlord Daboo

    US Wargames 247 in game community!

    Hey guys, so far with the XPoff-XPon patch ques have actually been decent during peak hours around 7-10pm eastern. If you are on before or after these times ques get up to and over 45 minutes and no one wants to wait that long for a game even if it is competitive and fun. The easy solution to...
  4. WorthANickel


    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zq6RCl6F05LR6Kcdl_4kNeC649JEhhuWsVWJRmdzZ8Y/edit?usp=sharing First come first serve basis put your name down in any day you wish (you can do every day).
  5. Mageicide

    US Wärlords of Warsong, Bleeding Hollow (Alliance faction)

    Wälords of Warsong (Alliance Faction) is recruiting level 19 and level 29 for some Down and Dirty Xpoff BG action. We are looking for Bleeding Hollow based players but are willing to invest to bring some new blood to BH. We are having our first event Saturday 2-9-19 7 pm server time. We are...
  6. AxiomDK

    US 3v3 Wargame BattleTag List Thread

    This thread is for 3v3 Wargame Batlletags only. Please use the format when posting below. This thread is for 20-29s only. __________________________________ FORMAT Looking for team to join: Looking for teams to WG: BattleTag: Character #1 (Main) In-game Name: Faction: Server: Class: Role...
  7. Bestworld

    EU Horde Plebmade/Wargames | Saturday, 28th of April

    EU Horde wargames on the 28th of April. Time -> 20:00/8PM GMT+1/Paris Time/English Servers Realm Time. Include if you are able to play Saturday 28th as well. Please make use of the following format when signing up: Prefered Character: Name: Class: Main-spec: Off-spec: Realm: Alt...
  8. Bestworld

    EU Horde Plebmade/Wargames | Saturday, 14th of April

    Alright then. Let's see if we can get this standing. I would like to form a 19's plebmade for WSG, For Horde, Saturday, 14th of April. Specified time: 20:00/8:00PM GMT+1 / Paris Time / English servers Realm Time. Please make use of the following format when signing up: Prefered Characer...
  9. The NWL

    10-19 NWL Season 2 - FINALS: UGGTW vs Hey I'm Average!

    It's time. The moment you've ALL been waiting for... the END of the NWL! BUT... But, before that happens, the finals must take place. And it is with that note - ladies and gents that I bring to you; TONIGHTS - entertainment. Who will reign supreme amongst the pale-skinned, no-lifing...