
  1. Mayjaz

    Old twinker coming back, what are some still available must haves for 29 Mage?

    Recently managed to recover my old vanilla account including my old 29 twink! However the account was hacked from me back in 2007/2008 and all characters are naked :( What are some still available must haves for my 29 twink mage? Thanks in advance!
  2. Classic 20-29 Guide and Discussion

    Hey all here is a guide I have just finished editing for Classic take a peak.
  3. US New Vanilla Guild <Lets Go Back> Earthen Ring - Alliance

    Hello! I am looking to start a vanilla raiding guild called <Lets Go Back>! It will be very laid back to where you can level up however you want whether that is like the old times just quests and no BOAs or you can level up with BOAs and just spam dungeons it just matters if you want more of a...
  4. AtieshBipsi

    EU+US <Deck Me Out> @ Argent Dawn EU - Recruitment

    <Deck Me Out> & Argent Dawn EU The Basics We're currently seeking new Members with the interest of joining the Level 60 Bracket! Hosting a number of Vanilla Geared PvP, PvE & Social Events. <Deck Me Out>can be found on the Alliance Faction at Argent Dawn EU. ( For those unaware; Trying to Que...
  5. 20-29 Shmuckumpoo's 20-29 Vanilla Guide

    Hey ladies and gents my name is Shmuckumpoo, the guild master of <Almost Thirty>, which is the original Alliance 29 guild started way back on the private server Nostalrius. I'm going to give a quick little run down of why I think more people should play the 20-29 bracket in vanilla WoW. I know...
  6. Samhain

    10-19 Classic Era 19 Twink Priest Guide

    (Classic Era) WoW Version 1.13 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Choosing Your Race III. Gearing & Enchanting IV. Priest Talents I. INTRODUCTION About the Author: I go by the in game name Samhain, I've played in the nineteen bracket from Vanilla all the way...
  7. Samhain

    10-19 Classic Era 19 Twink Hunter Guide

    (Classic Era) WoW Version 1.13 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Choosing Your Race III. Gearing & Enchanting IV. Hunter Talents V. Training Your Pet I. INTRODUCTION About the Author: I go by the in game name Samhain, I've played in the nineteen bracket from Vanilla...
  8. AtieshBipsi

    EU Deck Me Out @ Argent Dawn EU Recruitement

    <Deck Me Out> & Argent Dawn EU The Basics We're currently seeking new Members with the interest of joining the Level 60 Bracket! Hosting a number of Vanilla Geared PvP, PvE & Social Events. <Deck Me Out>can be found on the Alliance Faction at Argent Dawn EU. ( For those unaware; Trying to Que...
  9. Tenin

    EU+US 24 *hunter* twink wotlk 3.3.5

    Hey Tenin here, Got a request for all the older twinks of azeroth. Im making a twink on the ascension classless private server, this char will be a hunter type with a pet, probably level 24. Now i need help to figure out the BiS armor, im able to use up to mail. Sadly most old information from...
  10. The Peak of Twinking

    Which expansion(s) were the best for twinking during? Every voice counts and all answers are valid because everyone has a different set of expectations when it comes to twinking. You can make up to three selections. Thanks for your input. Lets get some discussion going!
  11. Beviah

    US <Reprisal> is now recruiting!

    Hello XPOff! Today, I am opening up recruitment for our new project sixty guild Reprisal on Bloodhoof, Horde. Reprisal is being led by vanilla players, who are offering a social and competitive community for those who want to re-experience vanilla World of Warcraft to the fullest extent...
  12. Raelysae

    US Rosetinted - Area 52

    Hello! Can't figure out how to log in with my warrior but...ayy. I have started a legacy raiding guild just for the purpose of having fun on Saturdays and see how far we can progress. Horde side, I plan to raid Saturdays around 6pm EST. I haven't guild lead, and I haven't raid lead so I don't...
  13. US <EVOLVE> [H] Emerald Dream-US legacy raiding guild

    Hello! <EVOLVE> is currently taking part in the wave of guilds doing legacy progression, starting at 60 and hoping to work from MC, well in Cata (and maybe beyond). Our goal is to do each raid, in order, at the appropriate level and gear. This means that we are not looking for a character that...
  14. AtieshBipsi

    EU Official 60 Twinking

    Official 60 Twinking - EU _______________________________________________________________________________________ <Deck Me Out> & Argent Dawn EU The Basics We're currently seeking new Members with the interest of joining the Level 60 Bracket! Hosting a number of Vanilla Geared PvP, PvE &...