
  1. Newbie looking for help

    Hi, I’m new here and new to twinking, I opted for level 39 bracket TWW, and would love some tips and or an introduction on how to get started. If any of yall could help me out that’d be awesome! Much appreiated -slmm
  2. DoogieTwink

    Crit vs Vers

    So, I've seen several posts stating Haste has a soft cap of 23.5% for MW and Fury already. But I was wondering if we know if you had to prefer one stat over the other between Crit and Vers, which is best? I feel like Vers would be better overall due to it boosting your base damage and taking...
  3. Maelfurious

    Was Infinitely Divisible Ooze Patched?

    I decided to hop onto my lvl 20 twink today that had Infinitely Divisible Ooze and it no longer one shots bosses even tho I have the current timeline selected and im only doing warlords gear farming. Was it finally patched?
  4. Adventure mode confuses. Help me

    So I just came back after many years, with a brand new account aswell. I ofc made a return with a twink project. Since the 20 bracket is pretty much muerto, I decided to make a lvl 10 scaling overlord for PVE. I need to get my hands on amnesia, but as far as I understand, I need to have...
  5. Staffelchef

    Level 1 in Events

    TWW Pre-Patch Radiant Echoes Hi, All flight points are available now from my main. So I flew to the Searing Gorge and took the portal to Dalaran. It works. Make sure, you have a hearth stone in the old world, because if you forget him in Dalaran after the event, you will not be able to take...
  6. Twentified 11.0 PTR Patch Notes - Release Date: July 23rd

    The War Within Pre-Expansion PTR Development Notes Release: July 23rd, 2024 Hi guys, long time no see! With the expansion right around the corner, I just wanted to gloss over some of the major changes happening in a few weeks. If you feel like something was missed and should be added, feel free...