Hello everyone!
With the new updates being released by Blizzard about Shadowlands and the upcoming level squish it got me thinking about changes to the twink community that may come with it. Every expansions we get either helpful additions, or additions that make it difficult to keep twinking...
Hey! I'm a nearly 102 void elf that is sick of grinding, but I need me that dank Rendorei heritage armor. Only catch is I can only really pay with Horde gold on Illidan unless you will accept pets (I've got ones that go from hundreds to thousands of gold if you're okay with that (then server...
Hello fellow twinks of Xpoff!
As the title states, there are two twink relics in my possession that would happily switch owners.
I also have a number of other twink pieces, some of which are half decent but nothing too spicy. None are worth transferring for but some could be worth picking up if...
If you could do it all over again, what class and spec would you do for doing and selling 101 Twink carries? PVE carries at first and then maybe PVP later
This will be my first 101 twink and I want to do it right. I can play almost any spec of any class.
With that being said i plan on buying...
< Zero to Hero > New level 101 twink guild looking for 101 twinks or people interested in leveling twinks on KT. You will be assisted in gearing if new to KT. Any already geared 101s interested in building an active community of 101s may be funded a server transfer through wow tokens. Soon to...
Other than Lockbox, which RNG is insanely unpredictable, where else can anyone get relic for their twink 101 Artifact weapon? I am a vengeance demon hunter
Well its that time of the month gents.. Timewalking. So get your AP from each boss. Go Go Go!!! have fun, I kept my HFC gear and my ilvl 800 gear to survive it due to templates. ugh.. templates..