twink 10

  1. Amity066

    Looking for help (Level 10 - Mechagon)

    I am trying to get to Mechagon on my Level 10 Mage I have a Character that has completed the whole Mechagon line but I wanted to know if I need to do quests on my level 10 mage to unlock the story line for Mechagon? Really would love to get those ilvl 80 rings Thank you
  2. rosetwinks

    [Infinitely Divisible Ooze] now fixed!?

    Trying to gear a fresh 10 worgen guardian druid and grabbed ooze trinket BUT it seems to be doing no damage now, does anyone know if it has been fixed or?
  3. rosetwinks

    If you were to make a tier list on pure DPS alone in the 10-11 bracket what would that look like?

    Not talking about speed or self sustain just purely damage per second, would it be an 11 fury fully war forged with life stealing and ooze trinket, a 10 mists, an 11 wind walker, a 10/11 arcane? If anyone has any links or resources or tested the pure DPS in the 10-11 bracket let me know! My...
  4. Very new to twinking

    Heya, i ran couple of dungeons few days ago with a random twink guy, he recommended this site to me. After reading few posts about my resto shaman that I want to try and twink I have a question to ask. I'm locked on level 11.. How do I acces the dreanor dungeons for warfoged gear? In group...