I feel my time on Draenor is up. if this continues i would like to make a new headquarter on another server. is there any other active 20s servers around that isn't high pop ? I know it might get harder to gain certain stuff. but if we all combine to join a different server then we can unite and...
Hi everyone!
I've been reading the lv 110 twink related guides and posts in the past few days and it makes me very excited to try it, even with separate queues and not being able to use BFA neck/azeritegear after transfering to a legion account.
I have a couple questions: is twinking a lv. 110...
Hi everyone!
I've been reading the lv 110 twink related guides and posts in the past few days and it makes me very excited to try it, even with separate queues and not being able to use BFA neck/azeritegear after transfering to a legion account.
I have a couple questions: is twinking a lv. 110...
Hello !
Someone know if it's STILL possible to transfert a character from bfa account to a Legion account?
And if i fusionned a new account with my bfa account, it's gonna be a Bfa account or Legion?
Thanks !
Hey I want to transfer my Level 19 Holy Paladin
Im willing to factionchange aswell.
Can someone recommend me a server (maybe with a active guild?)