
  1. erenburgh

    Arena Ranked / New Website Arena Skirmish Ladder for Twinks

    «Go arena, I created.» Now I can safely say this phrase because in fact, I created a project - a site-ladder with a rating from skirmishes for twinks (and not just for the 20th bracket)! I know the idea isn't new, but the common man can't understand how difficult it...
  2. [Question] Arena Leaderboards

    Hey guys I was curious if its possible at all make a new leaderboard to track skirmishes like there was in BFA? I remember was functioning well untill the XP On/off separation patch came. It would be really nice if it would be possible to organize a fresh...
  3. Omnistone

    EU+US New Addon for Skirmish Ratings is now up on Curse

    A week ago, me and Линдеманн took on the challenge of creating an addon that would show Skirmish Ratings in a player's tooltip. And guess what?! After a week of researching lua and wow api, we've done it! (...He did most of the work tbh) You can find our addon on twitch app by typing: Rated...
  4. Killer

    EU <Forever Nineteen> @Kor'Gall (Horde)

    Hi! Do you have or want to have a Level 19 Twink? Wait no more, join us for Premade Battlegrounds and Arena Skirmishes! Quick boosts through dungeons for gearing up to BiS are available! Whisper Killer or Wrathfull in-game for an invite. Happy Twinking!:)
  5. Smn

    Answered More brackets on the arena ladder?

    Will more brackets be added to the arena ladder? Atm 10, 49, 50, 59, 69, 80, 85, 89, 90, 99, 100 and 109 isen't on it.