«Go arena, I created.»
Now I can safely say this phrase because in fact, I created a project - a site-ladder with a rating from skirmishes for twinks (and not just for the 20th bracket)!
I know the idea isn't new, but the common man can't understand how difficult it...
Hey guys I was curious if its possible at all make a new leaderboard to track skirmishes like there was in BFA? I remember https://www.eliteguilds.com/leaderboards was functioning well untill the XP On/off separation patch came.
It would be really nice if it would be possible to organize a fresh...
A week ago, me and Линдеманн took on the challenge of creating an addon that would show Skirmish Ratings in a player's tooltip.
And guess what?!
After a week of researching lua and wow api, we've done it! (...He did most of the work tbh)
You can find our addon on twitch app by typing: Rated...
Do you have or want to have a Level 19 Twink?
Wait no more, join us for Premade Battlegrounds and Arena Skirmishes!
Quick boosts through dungeons for gearing up to BiS are available!
Whisper Killer or Wrathfull in-game for an invite.
Happy Twinking!:)