
  1. mczizegg

    EU+US Kazuz - Level 110 Twink | ilvl 310 PvP Video

    Hey guys, I just wanted to share my last PvP Video on my Shaman Twink in BfA. I had a lot of fun but without necklace essences im getting kinda bored. Feel free to check out my Video and thanks for watching :) I'll play Wow Classic for some time. Some players knew about my gear and now its...
  2. 39 Enhancement Shaman Gear Guide

    Maybe I'm not looking in the right place, but I haven't been able to find a good Enhancement Shaman 39 Twink gear guide, so I put this list together with some help from this video (from TBC) and some searching of ClassicDB. I'm wondering what you guys think, and if there's some slots that could...
  3. 69 World pvp Event

    Hey guys, I'm a new poster to xpoff but I have been twinking since vanilla on Blackrock Horde I currently live on Illidan Horde and am a proud member of <Insurrection> I would love to see the 69 Twink community come together for some events and some duels in a TBD location out in the world for...
  4. EU+US BiS GF'd gear for 19 shaman

    Hey, so recently made a 19 shaman twink and been gearing up, seen black husk shield and black widow band mentioned a few times. However they're often not spoken about too much as they're gf'd so not easily obtained. I'm curious if these are bis and if there are any other bis gf'd items for...
  5. MaliwanCEO

    US 70 Twink Ranged DPS... HELP!

    So i want to finally join the level 70 twink bracket again. I used to have a ele shaman twinked at 70 and it was AMAZING! Are they still a solid ranged pick for BG's? Right now im in a toss up for ele shaman or maybe fire mage. All opinions are welcome! Ohhhhhh also, I am alliance on...
  6. EU+US Enhancement Shaman Armory links?

    Hi seems resto and ele are great at 49 which must mean enhance isn't; so of course I want to play it; can anyone link well geared or BiS enhance shaman armories? (I don't see any in the armory thread -- so enhance must really suck at 49 haha). Pretty close to how the hunters are geared I presume?
  7. handsomedgc

    EU Tropic Blunder looking for their lost (Shaman) healer.

    @Trollguden and I have decided to become an unstoppable arena team wanting to play in the EU 19 Twink Tournament. We are currently looking for our healer. We would prefer a restoration shaman but we are open to other healers asswel! Trollguden and I are relaxed players just wanting to spice...
  8. EU+US Enhance Shaman

    Anyone have a armory link to a geared enhance shaman. Not sure how to gear one and new to twinking in general, or if you have an idea how to gear one let me know. Much appreciated tyty.
  9. US WTS 890 Geta w/socket and 885 Ulfgor's

    Both are on different servers, both must be bought together. Make an offer, but be aware these are OP and best off to someone like myself who wants to be BiS and will pay for it.
  10. Fenrok

    EU+US Enhancement Shaman @20

    Hello! My name is Fenrok, and I'm rather new here. If you read nothing else past these first few lines, all that I ask is that you read my disclaimer which will be posted right here at the top. There will be a TLDR at the bottom. Sorry for the text bomb... I got carried away. Thanks...
  11. Waves

    20-29 Wavesjr's 29 Legion Resto Shaman Guide

    Wavesjr’s 29 Legion Resto Shaman Guide Patch 7.0 Table of Contents Introduction Race Selection Talents & Glyphs Stat Priority Arena Comps Arena and Battleground Positioning Tips and Tricks Introduction Hey folks, I'm making another Resto Shaman guide for 29s because A LOT has...
  12. Bestworld

    EU Frost Mage LF Disc/Rsham for 2v2 arena

    Hey there, I am fairly new to twinking (some months), and I am looking to expand my friendlist in terms of people to play with. At the very moment it's rather limited. Hence I come here to search for fellow twinks with love for the arena. I only have a few requests. 1) Be decently active...
  13. Bestworld

    EU Frost Mage LF Disc/Rsham for 2's

    Hey there, I am fairly new to twinking (some months), and I am looking to expand my friendlist in terms of people to play with. At the very moment it's rather limited. Hence I come here to search for fellow twinks with love for the arena. I only have a few requests. 1) Be decently active...