
  1. RetroSpecRaiding

    US [H] [Dalaran] <RetroSpec> A Progressive Legacy Raiding Guild

    I know that for myself personally, and for the majority of my social network, that Battle For Azeroth has not quite shaped up to be what we expected and hoped for. We feel less and less compelled to log into our 120s every day and do the same Emissary Quests and the same Mythic Dungeons. In lieu...
  2. NostalgiaGuild

    US [A][Wyrmrest Accord] <Nostalgìa> Reroll Legacy Raiding Guild!

    Welcome Players! Nostalgìa is a Legacy Raiding Guild on Wyrmrest Accord that will progress through expansions. We will first be venturing through all of the Classic World of Warcraftraids [60]. We will progress over time to current end game. We hope by the end that we will have a great family...