quest gear

  1. 29 Gear Quests

    Hi folks, it's been a long time since Vanilla WoW, so I'm a little hazy on how much quest gear you were realistically able to squeeze in before hitting 30. I'm considering making another warrior at 29, so I had an interest in allllll the following gear from quests, and I doubt I'll be able to...
  2. EU I Got a CHEAP epic Foamspittle Staff.

    I discovered that I could save myself either a lot of gold or a lot of time wasted grinding the foamspittle staff and I settled for the Archivist's staff instead. Check armory: I am new to this whole veteran thing and made this mage 2 days ago...
  3. Bestworld

    EU+US Rogue Quest items - both factions!

    The purpose of this post is not to list every item there is from quests, but all the items I found "useful". So even if you don't get what you want when you're done with this list, you still have a few options. They just won't be as good. Also note that some items share the same quest source...