pvp 20

  1. Rosaréa

    Which Gems are the best for a Level 20 in general?

    Hello there! As you read from the title, I have no idea on which gems I should be using for my warrior (level 20). I tried to buy a few from the AH, but they always scale down, (I haven't tried the super strong gems, but the ones that give me a reasonable stat, most of the time, will only give...
  2. Zulu

    It's time for change. (+Blizzard Forum Raid)

    We have made a post to Blizzard Forums on PvP scaling in low level brackets, please check it out and leave your comments underneath! These changes will bring back the bracket with a vengeance. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/pvp-scaling-in-levellers-queues/1775821/1 With many players...
  3. Mage, Priest, or Warlock for best of both worlds (PVP/PVE) at level 20?

    Howdy, I'l really into the caster classes (mainly cloth but willing to compromise) and I want to know which of these is the best all rounder at level 20? thanks and sorry for my many threads and questions!
  4. Best class for PVP and also PVP for level 20's?

    What's the best of both worlds is my question. I've been rolling a spriest and I can easily pull 10+ mobs without even coming close to dying, but how will that hold up in PVP?