pendulum of doom

  1. WTS Pendulum of Doom, Papal Fez, Shadowforge bushmaster on EU realms

    WTS Pendulum of Doom, Papal Fez, Shadowforge bushmaster and other twink items
  2. Neccris

    Twink Items for Sale - Gehennas Horde EU

    Neccris's Twink Shop is now OPEN Selling multiple twink items on Gehennas Horde - EU Current Stock: 1 x Pendulum of Doom 4 x Shadowfang 7 x Assassin's Blade 1 x Troll's Bane Leggings 5 x Staff of Blessed Seer 3 x Witching Staff 1 x Eye of Flame 2 x Tigerstrike Mantle 2 x Bow of Searing Arrows...
  3. Pendulum of Doom for sale! (sold)

    Selling Pendulum of Doom 90k or best offer on benediction-us East alliance. On auction house for 95k bid, 123k buyout. PST Cåbbage in-game if you are interested. :) Worth to server transfer at 90k perhaps. Discord: cabbagefarmers
  4. WTS Pendulum of the Doom

    EU Alliance Pyrewood Village got a few for sale Can xfer to any server or sell Horde side if the price is right discord: sau0
  5. Pendulum of doom!

    I want some feedback. I finally got my hands on the your opinion am I better using this on a warrior, shaman, or paladin? I always felt shaman could use staff of Jordan as a decent alternative so I was leaning toward warrior or paladin but I'd love some input!
  6. selling pendulum of doom on hydraxian waterlords ally

    read title for info :p open to offers
  7. WTS Pendulum of Doom + Hotshot Pilot's Gloves EU

    Hi guys, got a PoD and HPG on Mirage Raceway, EU, Alliance. Message me if interested.
  8. WTS Pendulum of Doom Pyrewood Village (A) EU

    Selling PoD. BHL#21177 In game name "Handsprit" Sold.
  9. WTS Pendulum of Doom - Yojamba Alliance

    Hello, Currently have a Pendulum of Doom and am Open to offers please. Discord is Xein#8744.
  10. WTS Pendulum of Doom - Yojamba Alliance

    Hello, Currently have a Pendulum of Doom and am Open to offers please. Discord is Xein#8744.
  11. 39 BIS Twink Weapon - Pendulum of Doom - Shazzrah

    Alright my twink fellow m8s, I managed to acquire after 7000 Uldaman runs the best and rarest twink item ever made - The Pendulum of Doom - /w me ingame (Horde) - Shazzrah - Acrodex PM me on discord: Acronix#5145 PM me on BN: Acronix#2505 Keep up the good work m8s and have fun :) Cheers!
  12. WTS Pendulum of doom - Ten Storms - Alliance

    Hey! Title states all, just leave your comment possibly with gold offer (~1k) if you're interested and I'll PM you. All the best!
  13. WTS Pendulum of Doom (Firemaw EU)

    Hey, as mentionted in the title i am selling Pendulum of Doom. I have it on server Firemaw (EU) horde side but can sell it to alliance to via neutral AH.
  14. WTS Pendulum of Doom - Alliance/Blaumeux

    looking for gold - open to offers alliance but happy to post in a neutral AH first time poster, apologies if this post is in wrong place or missing info
  15. Dazzling

    New to 39 & the forums :3

    So first of all, I just impulsively bought PoD for 500g, as I had only seen it for 1000g+ before. Did I over pay a lot? As I see a lot of people here saying that they got theirs for 25-200g, and that it isn't even that rare in classic? Secondly, now that I have it, I realized that people are...
  16. WTS Pendulum of Doom! [Noggenfogger] [EU]

    Selling Pendulum of Doom on Noggenfogger EU - Taking offers. If someone wants to buy it today, 750g
  17. Hermione

    Memelee Hunter! BIS List!

    Hey guys! I'm that guy who twinked in vanilla. I played every bracket. So even though I was 12yr and sucked hard on the S key, my knowledge is far superior to anyone else that didn't play vanilla. Anyways, hehe, buckle up your seat belts and let's get on the list train! When I played vAnILLa I...
  18. WTS Pendulum of Doom - Yojamba/Alliance

    Recently obtained. Intel says Horde on our server is selling for 5k, so I posted mine for 3.5k on the AH. First time I posted it, felt mildly anxious. It might seem unrealistic to many/some, it's still an atom in comparison to the gargantuan amounts of gold it supposedly sells for in Retail...
  19. swaggodtko

    Ultra rare items in every slot

    So hypotheticly if someone wanted to equip the rarest drop boe's (that still drop) in every slot which items at each slot would be in contention. For example Pod or Jackhammer, Hotshot Pilot's Gloves, Miner's Hat of the Deep, Gloomshroud Armor etc. No real implecations but would just be...