
  1. Frostscythe of Lord Ahune this bis?

    i farmed the event boss Lord Ahune for his Frostscythe of Lord Ahune yesterday by makeing a character (i chose vulperia right next to exp eliminator) before i would even log into my new character i would mail that new character 10 gold for the exp off then i would put on my heirlooms set up...
  2. Level 20 monk solo dungeons Help needed

    Hello there i have been seeing people talk about soloing dungeons at level 20 i understand it takes a little longer than on a level 10 but my monk is item lvl 72 and i can't even kill the first 2 mobs in slag mines by myself. i have tried healer spec for more dps but i die fast and then i have...
  3. Gearing a 10 BM Monk

    Hello, I'm looking for a bis list for 10s brewmaster monk. I'm using it to carry some dungeons. I'm curious which weapons are bis atm and what enchants on it? I have gear with sockets, using Hunger of Pack and which trinket would be bis for such activity? Any recent guides, because i cant find...
  4. Donor

    US <BH Wowlleyball Team> Kul Tiran Monx/Shaman ONLY

    sup bros im recruiting beach bums 4 the <BH Wowlleyball Team> a crew of kul tiran brewmasta monx & shaman ONLY the focus of the team is 2 send ur foes 2 touch the sky example > >...
  5. Timur

    New to f2p twinking

    Kia ora! I'm Timur, joining you from Aotearoa New Zealand. I play on US servers and I'm allergic to FOTM. The mere suggestion that priests are overpowered in this bracket made me abandon my original planned twink. Although I'm new to f2p thinking I've been playing WoW for a pretty long time...
  6. Chey


    Hey guys, well outside my comfort zone with this one, limited editing (of games) some voice chat included and all mistakes, panic moments and bad positioning left in! Includes some fun shuffle 3v3 games with guild and solo queue 2v2. I make these videos because I enjoy doing it and never...
  7. 20 Twink Solo Monk Classic Dungeonmaster Completed!

    Hello friends! I am pleased to announce I have completed the Solo Classic Dungeonmaster run on my monk, Mitsurugi! I will post a few SS's here, and the write up about my experience below!
  8. WeaselGuy

    40 Monk Gear help?

    Just starting out working on my 40 Monk. Other than M SoO and getting my Artifact weapons leveled up (is that still a thing?) what would y'all suggest I look for in gear, for either WW or MW?
  9. Donor

    its monkday

    happy monkday mutha fuckas no spec discrimination 2day all fists n feet r welcome ill even look the other way on spilt beers
  10. Donor

    US windwalker wednesdays

    sup bros lemme c sum lvl 20 windwalker armories wanna make ww arenas or 5man ww premades a thing 4 wednesdays mine are ally vetðójò ally f2pÐójò ally f2p meme...
  11. Soryo

    EU+US Windwalker Monk F2P

    It's been a while since I've played. After hearing about the changes to F2P and the decent place the bracket is currently in I decided to fix my computer and give F2P another shot. I started leveling a Windwalker Monk, being sure to save all my quests rewarding green or blue gear til I hit 20...
  12. 30-39 WW Monk Help 39

    Looking for a list of bis armor and item enhancements thanks!
  13. 69 World pvp Event

    Hey guys, I'm a new poster to xpoff but I have been twinking since vanilla on Blackrock Horde I currently live on Illidan Horde and am a proud member of <Insurrection> I would love to see the 69 Twink community come together for some events and some duels in a TBD location out in the world for...
  14. MaliwanCEO

    59 MW or WW Monks?!?! Where ya at!

    So i will have a monk at 59 here very shortly and i am having trouble trying to figure out if i want to go WW or MW... I dont see many monks in here at all. Which spec does better in this bracket? I main a monk at 120 so this isnt anything new to me, i know how to play all monk specs. Just...
  15. US How are F2P Monks Currently?

    All specs, thinking of rolling Tauren on AP
  16. EU+US What's a 2s partner for BM monk?

    a good 2s partner?
  17. Arena

    US LF bm target caller for TC

    Miracle Whip is looking for a bm that is extremely vocal and knows how to target call.
  18. Moropi

    US Heading to Pandara

    meh, I made another vid.